Scientists Warn Gulf Of Mexico Sea Floor Fractured Beyond Repair Video confirms it - CNN iReport
Nuking is fine for surface wells but not under water!!!!
This well is 1 mile deep and will cause a 3/4 mile high tsunami That will wipe out all low lying land in all directions .
Mexico Texas Louisiana Florida all of the Caribbean. With wiping out that much of civilization it will slow the need for oil....
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Got me a new GXER!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Warmer Ecosystems Could Absorb Less Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide : News
Warmer Ecosystems Could Absorb Less Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide : News
DPS is running full out!!!
Dieing planet syndrome
DPS is running full out!!!
Dieing planet syndrome
The Twilight copyright saga: Forbidden love and forbidden T-shirts
The Twilight copyright saga: Forbidden love and forbidden T-shirts
This too is about Cor-pirations and their incessant need for greed and total control.
God help use if a single cent slips their grasp!
This too is about Cor-pirations and their incessant need for greed and total control.
God help use if a single cent slips their grasp!
EU Action Alert: Urge Your MEP to Take a Stand for Internet Freedom | Electronic Frontier Foundation
EU Action Alert: Urge Your MEP to Take a Stand for Internet Freedom | Electronic Frontier Foundation
This law was dreamed of be Cor-pirationist greedites to take total control of the internet a strangle hold.
They want the power to wring out every last cent from all connected. That not the slightest tittle to escape their greedite paws.
This law was dreamed of be Cor-pirationist greedites to take total control of the internet a strangle hold.
They want the power to wring out every last cent from all connected. That not the slightest tittle to escape their greedite paws.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
YouTube - Short Two Part Tutorial - Starting an Engine That Has Been Sitting - Part 1
YouTube - Short Two Part Tutorial - Starting an Engine That Has Been Sitting - Part 1
This guys got good start up advice for those not wanting to destroy their engines on start up!
This guys got good start up advice for those not wanting to destroy their engines on start up!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Androids in section 8 are infected....
Androids in section 8 are infected...
Proceed to deconstruction zones 12 8 and 17
Enter destruct booths and dis-ensemble....
Report says be aware of what your Android app does | Security - CNET News
Proceed to deconstruction zones 12 8 and 17
Enter destruct booths and dis-ensemble....
Report says be aware of what your Android app does | Security - CNET News
Firefox 'Lorentz' arrives but with restrictions | Security - CNET News
Firefox 'Lorentz' arrives but with restrictions | Security - CNET News
This looks to be very good innovation.
This looks to be very good innovation.
Aussie ISPs to cut off unsafe Web users? | Security - CNET News
Oh big brother big brother
How do you watch us?
Let us count the ways....
Aussie ISPs to cut off unsafe Web users? | Security - CNET News
How do you watch us?
Let us count the ways....
Aussie ISPs to cut off unsafe Web users? | Security - CNET News
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Salt water and rapid evaporation
Salt water evaporates far less rapidly then fresh water. The oceans are currently being covered with large areas diluted by fresh water from melting ice. The melting ice removes weight from earths crust where ice was. This causes cause crust movement earth quakes and volcanoes. The dust from Iceland volcano is releasing just the perfect size and type of ash to cause much rain.
The rain helps the cycle of ocean salinity dilution which cause faster evaporation And the cycle starts to rev up....
The rain helps the cycle of ocean salinity dilution which cause faster evaporation And the cycle starts to rev up....
Encrypt the Web with the HTTPS Everywhere Firefox Extension | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Encrypt the Web with the HTTPS Everywhere Firefox Extension | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Great idea but does not seem to do all sites like this one!!
Great idea but does not seem to do all sites like this one!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The RCMP: a police force in denial | Full Comment | National Post
The RCMP: a police force in denial | Full Comment | National Post
They are truly rotten through to their core! corrupt lying closed ranked crooked dishonest pomp and ceremony fools!
I know first hand the crookedness.
They are truly rotten through to their core! corrupt lying closed ranked crooked dishonest pomp and ceremony fools!
I know first hand the crookedness.
Raucous protest gives possible taste of what’s to come -
Raucous protest gives possible taste of what’s to come -
They can spend a freakin billion on security for the pampered rich and pay with the suffering of the poor.
Its really time for the return of Dr.Guillotine!
They can spend a freakin billion on security for the pampered rich and pay with the suffering of the poor.
Its really time for the return of Dr.Guillotine!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
BBC News - Outsourcing unit to be set up in Indian jail
BBC News - Outsourcing unit to be set up in Indian jail
This makes dumb and dumber seem rather smart....
This makes dumb and dumber seem rather smart....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
High Court rules software liability clause not 'reasonable' • Channel Register
High Court rules software liability clause not 'reasonable' • Channel Register
A very small meager bit of justice against gestapo elua,s!
A very small meager bit of justice against gestapo elua,s!
Monday, June 14, 2010
0-day Windows flaw published by Google researcher
0-day Windows flaw published by Google researcher
So what happened to do no harm....
So what happened to do no harm....
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Virginia Hands Out 6996 Traffic Tickets In One Weekend In An Effort To Raise Revenue For The State Government
Virginia Hands Out 6996 Traffic Tickets In One Weekend In An Effort To Raise Revenue For The State Government
Its time for a planetary revolution! Yes planetary!
We need to wipe the planet of these cor-piretic parasites once and for all and of course the yuppy hierarchy along with them.
Its time for a planetary revolution! Yes planetary!
We need to wipe the planet of these cor-piretic parasites once and for all and of course the yuppy hierarchy along with them.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
EFF Asks Judges to Quash Subpoenas in Movie-Downloading Lawsuits | Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF Asks Judges to Quash Subpoenas in Movie-Downloading Lawsuits | Electronic Frontier Foundation
asking judges in Washington, D.C., to deny attempts by
the U.S. Copyright Group (USCG) to lump scores of people
as defendants into copyright infringement cases. The USCG
has stacked the deck against the defendants by requiring
all of them to defend these cases in Washington, D.C.,
regardless of where they actually live.
EFF has long been concerned that some attorneys would
attempt to create a business out of mass copyright
lawsuits, shaking settlements out of innocent people who
aren't in a position to raise legitimate defenses. EFF is
asking the court to step in now and force USCG to follow
the rules that apply in all other cases.
For the full press release and link to the amicus brief:
Cor-pirations and the need for greed!!!
Should a cor-piration have the same rights as a human? No big dammed NO!!!
How an a cor-piretic entity be jailed for crimes against humanity!!!!
asking judges in Washington, D.C., to deny attempts by
the U.S. Copyright Group (USCG) to lump scores of people
as defendants into copyright infringement cases. The USCG
has stacked the deck against the defendants by requiring
all of them to defend these cases in Washington, D.C.,
regardless of where they actually live.
EFF has long been concerned that some attorneys would
attempt to create a business out of mass copyright
lawsuits, shaking settlements out of innocent people who
aren't in a position to raise legitimate defenses. EFF is
asking the court to step in now and force USCG to follow
the rules that apply in all other cases.
For the full press release and link to the amicus brief:
Cor-pirations and the need for greed!!!
Should a cor-piration have the same rights as a human? No big dammed NO!!!
How an a cor-piretic entity be jailed for crimes against humanity!!!!
Microsucks you asshole.Sneacretly changeing my settings!!
I see microsucks changed my xp updates option to auto with out letting me know or even giveing me a choice. then bill gates you asshole you shut my fucking computer down and restarted it with out mu fucking permission. I wish there was a way to sue you you 800lb asshole.
You killed off a fantastic ppicture i was working on. Just to infuckingstall some dibble like genyouwhine to you advantage only update behind my fucking back.
Go Fuck Your self microsucks!!!!!
You killed off a fantastic ppicture i was working on. Just to infuckingstall some dibble like genyouwhine to you advantage only update behind my fucking back.
Go Fuck Your self microsucks!!!!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
In the age of deceit Truth is a revolutionary act.
In the age of deceit Truth is a revolutionary act.
Education is not for teaching facts or useful information.
But for teaching others how to think the way the cor-pirationists want them to think.
Education is not for teaching facts or useful information.
But for teaching others how to think the way the cor-pirationists want them to think.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Our billion dollar fake lake
Our billion dollar fake lake witch is really just con-servative crony money passing. Spend outrageous money for useless things then when out of office do the mulroonly loony and collect tour kick backs once your out. Did we need a fake lake? No!!
But we got one so money would flow to greased palms aplenty!!!
But we got one so money would flow to greased palms aplenty!!!
YouTube - Aussie50's Channel
YouTube - Aussie50's Channel
This is a good vid on how to electrolysis
This is a good vid on how to electrolysis
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
U.S. Citizen Was Among the Dead on the Gaza Flotilla -
U.S. Citizen Was Among the Dead on the Gaza Flotilla -
This was a totally staged event by muslams to create havoc on israil.
And israil fell for it designed to turn turkey from ally to foe.
This was a totally staged event by muslams to create havoc on israil.
And israil fell for it designed to turn turkey from ally to foe.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
YouTube - homeproject's Channel
YouTube - homeproject's Channel
Only in non English. Too bad!!
Only in non English. Too bad!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Health Canada is watching your garage sale | Full Comment | National Post
Health Canada is watching your garage sale | Full Comment | National Post
Namby Pramby whiny Government bureaucrats want to fruck with garage sales???
Its really time for a revolution. These waste of space and money cash cow for lifer,s have gone too far!!!
These bureaucrats in their soft cushy over paid jobs are whats ruining the country!!!
Namby Pramby whiny Government bureaucrats want to fruck with garage sales???
Its really time for a revolution. These waste of space and money cash cow for lifer,s have gone too far!!!
These bureaucrats in their soft cushy over paid jobs are whats ruining the country!!!
Next time, G20 pooh-bahs should bring their own security | Full Comment | National Post
Next time, G20 pooh-bahs should bring their own security | Full Comment | National Post
Our cor-pirate puppet government kowtowing to every one at our expense!!! They really really need to be removed!
Our cor-pirate puppet government kowtowing to every one at our expense!!! They really really need to be removed!
Facebook to simplify privacy settings Wednesday - Computerworld
Facebook to simplify privacy settings Wednesday - Computerworld
This is a start! But selling our info to others? That is a definite wrong!
This is a start! But selling our info to others? That is a definite wrong!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A very very vey large hole in G-Mail
I have observer a very large hole in Gmail. when going to certain sites with Gmail open in another tab. Gmail signs out well your at the other site. I have noticed this a few times now. I believe it to be some kind of cross site hack that if you sign back in well at these other sight they can read your log on credentials. Or are attempting to from the other sight. If you do suspect a site of doing this.
QUIT THAT SITE before signing into Gmail again!!!!!!!!
QUIT THAT SITE before signing into Gmail again!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Cybercrime underworld ISP 3FN is permanently shut down | Graham Cluley's blog
Cybercrime underworld ISP 3FN is permanently shut down | Graham Cluley's blog
Looks good on them. But like weeds they may pop up elsewhere....
Looks good on them. But like weeds they may pop up elsewhere....
Facebook | Make Canadian MP expenses public
Facebook | Make Canadian MP expenses public
I hope this will happen!! But i think it will be rug snuffled!
I hope this will happen!! But i think it will be rug snuffled!
60% of Facebook users consider leaving over privacy
60% of Facebook users consider leaving over privacy
Maybe with many leaving FB might catch on that this is a scummy move by them!!!
Maybe with many leaving FB might catch on that this is a scummy move by them!!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Complaint Box | Answerless Questions - City Room Blog -
Complaint Box | Answerless Questions - City Room Blog -
Lots of sense in the article. No problem with that here as the hicks are most likely to just snub you with dirty looks.
Lots of sense in the article. No problem with that here as the hicks are most likely to just snub you with dirty looks.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Nato troops wounded in Taliban attack on Kandahar base
Nato troops wounded in Taliban attack on Kandahar base
just like Viet Nam Tet Offensive it started like this the escalated!!
just like Viet Nam Tet Offensive it started like this the escalated!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
South Korea to Accuse North of Torpedo Attack, Officials Say -
South Korea to Accuse North of Torpedo Attack, Officials Say -
their getting cocky now they have nukes!!!
their getting cocky now they have nukes!!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Canada's forestry firms, environmentalists to call a truce over northern forest
Canada's forestry firms, environmentalists to call a truce over northern forest
"Essentially, it has no choice, but it's co-operating," Kelertas said. "The environmental groups get what they want for now and the industry looks like good citizens."
Ya the can come in and log the rest once the guard is down....
"Essentially, it has no choice, but it's co-operating," Kelertas said. "The environmental groups get what they want for now and the industry looks like good citizens."
Ya the can come in and log the rest once the guard is down....
Basi-Virk political corruption trial delayed until Tuesday
Basi-Virk political corruption trial delayed until Tuesday
The whole provincial governments crooked has been for years.
the feds try to out do them at this. But to see real crooks in action watch the rcmp....
The whole provincial governments crooked has been for years.
the feds try to out do them at this. But to see real crooks in action watch the rcmp....
Canadian Prime Minister promises to enact a Canadian DMCA in six weeks - Boing Boing
Canadian Prime Minister promises to enact a Canadian DMCA in six weeks - Boing Boing
Cor-pirations and the need for greed and total control!!! This will be the Cor-piretic,s final strangle hold on the last little bit of Canadian freedom. Our cor-piretic puppet government got their head so far up cor-pirates arses the may not ever surface!!!
The Canadian dream its in fact a hellish cor-pireticaly controlled nightmare!!! The cor-pirationist will be gleefully partying of this shear defeat of public rights.
Cor-pirations and the need for greed and total control!!! This will be the Cor-piretic,s final strangle hold on the last little bit of Canadian freedom. Our cor-piretic puppet government got their head so far up cor-pirates arses the may not ever surface!!!
The Canadian dream its in fact a hellish cor-pireticaly controlled nightmare!!! The cor-pirationist will be gleefully partying of this shear defeat of public rights.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
UVic capturing rabbits, giving them lethal injections
UVic capturing rabbits, giving them lethal injections
People starving and they waste perfectly good food!!!
People starving and they waste perfectly good food!!!
Google mapping cars inadvertently collected personal data in Canada
Google mapping cars inadvertently collected personal data in Canada
What to do with the data you dopes:erase it!!
What to do with the data you dopes:erase it!!
Giant Plumes of Oil Found Under Gulf of Mexico -
Giant Plumes of Oil Found Under Gulf of Mexico -
The incessant cor-pirations and the continues greed will consume and kill the planet. They will rape and pillage it bare and contaminate all they touch.
The incessant cor-pirations and the continues greed will consume and kill the planet. They will rape and pillage it bare and contaminate all they touch.
Encryption Can’t Stop The Wiretapping Boom «'s The Firewall
Encryption Can’t Stop The Wiretapping Boom «'s The Firewall
They have there own privet entrance into all most every program out there.
They have there own privet entrance into all most every program out there.
SLOW Palgreazian Crossing
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Charity closed after bad books revealed -
Charity closed after bad books revealed -
Public flogging needs to be brought back!
Public flogging needs to be brought back!
Monday, May 10, 2010
YouTube - Getting an old points style briggs mower fixed and running
YouTube - Getting an old points style briggs mower fixed and running
this one covers both manual and air tool use on repairing points best vid yet as not every one has air tools.
this one covers both manual and air tool use on repairing points best vid yet as not every one has air tools.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Two years 1 month 19 nights of hell

After being harassed by police and their good buddy for all this length of time death is looking better and better.I,m soooo sick now and tired of this shear drudgery that my life has become. After all the 1000+ times the crooked cops honked their horns at night. And the wall window and door poundings by their good buddy. You would wonder at just how sadistically sick a system must be to produce and organization that has such crooked lie enfarcement people....
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
USF Scientist: Oil Spill Now Three Times Size of Lake Okeechobee
USF Scientist: Oil Spill Now Three Times Size of Lake Okeechobee
Now they are going to know it down and say its ok nature does this! Hogwash!!!!
Now they are going to know it down and say its ok nature does this! Hogwash!!!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Bio best music sucks
That bio best commercial,s music sucks real badly i,ll never buy that stuff because its music makes me feel ill!
Wood gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wood gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Been seeing some good vids on youtube on this. Had thought about this process years ago. before the internet and i see i was missing one or two steps in my idea. But i think now i have come up with a few tweaks on current teck.
Been seeing some good vids on youtube on this. Had thought about this process years ago. before the internet and i see i was missing one or two steps in my idea. But i think now i have come up with a few tweaks on current teck.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Cloud computing is more secure than you think | Security Central - InfoWorld
Cloud computing is more secure than you think | Security Central - InfoWorld
Yes but you still at the vendor mercy they can pull the plug any time. They can change their agreement with pout notice. They can raise prices when they feel like it. The more critical the data the more they,ll feel like it!
Yes but you still at the vendor mercy they can pull the plug any time. They can change their agreement with pout notice. They can raise prices when they feel like it. The more critical the data the more they,ll feel like it!
Do not pay for security software | CNET to the Rescue - CNET Blogs
Do not pay for security software | CNET to the Rescue - CNET Blogs
""antivirus software, Microsoft Security Essentials "" Except It attacks and kills my 3dart programs bryce and daz Studeo.
Comodo is a better choice.Has real firewall and av works fine.
Lol thought this one to be pretty good!
""antivirus software, Microsoft Security Essentials "" Except It attacks and kills my 3dart programs bryce and daz Studeo.
Comodo is a better choice.Has real firewall and av works fine.
- by solitare_pax April 29, 2010 6:45 AM PDT
- "Have you ever thought that anti virus makers might also be making the viruses?"
Why, yes - yes I have.
It corresponds with the alarming fact that the leading cause of cancer in rats in caused by doctors and researchers.
Lol thought this one to be pretty good!
Symantec buys crypto firms PGP and GuardianEdge | Security - CNET News
Symantec buys crypto firms PGP and GuardianEdge | Security - CNET News
Why must good things come to an end? If not ended then made into bloatware!
Why must good things come to an end? If not ended then made into bloatware!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Indium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
""Based on content of indium in zinc ore stocks, there is a worldwide reserve base of approximately 6,000 tonnes of economically viable indium. This figure has led to estimates suggesting that, at current consumption rates, there is only 13 years' supply of indium left.""
Peak every thing just one more sign!!!
""Based on content of indium in zinc ore stocks, there is a worldwide reserve base of approximately 6,000 tonnes of economically viable indium. This figure has led to estimates suggesting that, at current consumption rates, there is only 13 years' supply of indium left.""
Peak every thing just one more sign!!!
E-Waste in India To Rise 500% by 2020 : TreeHugger
E-Waste in India To Rise 500% by 2020 : TreeHugger
all those 286,s and up sent to india get first checked to see if they can be made work then are used by india government.
all those 286,s and up sent to india get first checked to see if they can be made work then are used by india government.
Solar cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solar cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The true cost of solar cells is far lower then the currant prices they are being sol for. This is just another cor-piretic money grab. Like all thing Cor-piretic and their incessant need for greed. Minimum bang for maximum buck.
Till some one actually brakes this money greed cycle and releases something cheaper then the others the price will not ever come down.
There have been so many new brake through,s in this tech every thing from being able to laser print to paper using plant dyes and nano tech. but they are all just holding and hoarding.
The true cost of solar cells is far lower then the currant prices they are being sol for. This is just another cor-piretic money grab. Like all thing Cor-piretic and their incessant need for greed. Minimum bang for maximum buck.
Till some one actually brakes this money greed cycle and releases something cheaper then the others the price will not ever come down.
There have been so many new brake through,s in this tech every thing from being able to laser print to paper using plant dyes and nano tech. but they are all just holding and hoarding.
Sei whale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sei whale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And you cruel cor-pirate fat cats are eatting them as sushi!! Hope you cor-pirationists get cancer from it!
And you cruel cor-pirate fat cats are eatting them as sushi!! Hope you cor-pirationists get cancer from it!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
CBC - Videos - /Shows/The_Passionate_Eye/ID=1464545109
CBC - Videos - /Shows/The_Passionate_Eye/ID=1464545109
The cor=pirations are slowly removing all sources of bulk thinks like oat meal in large bags. Only small cor-pirated packages or some form of prepared only now. Things that you used to get easily like all spice,cloths etc are hard to come by!! Just tip of the cor-pirate ice berg!!!
The cor=pirations are slowly removing all sources of bulk thinks like oat meal in large bags. Only small cor-pirated packages or some form of prepared only now. Things that you used to get easily like all spice,cloths etc are hard to come by!! Just tip of the cor-pirate ice berg!!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
SCO: jurors too busy Facebooking to rule on Unix claim • The Register
SCO: jurors too busy Facebooking to rule on Unix claim • The Register
Why won,t these rat faced bastards just give it up! the jury was correct in their findings! SCO is just litigious pig at best.
Why won,t these rat faced bastards just give it up! the jury was correct in their findings! SCO is just litigious pig at best.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Munk takes on mine protestors, defends capitalism -
Munk takes on mine protestors, defends capitalism -
This is a true cor-piration at its finest hour!! They should take all the major shareholders and cor-pirate presidents chairman and other cronies
out and hang them. That would be justice! But justice is rarely ever done to the rich cor-pirates!!!
The satanic cor-pirations and their excessive need for greed will kill the planet and all with them....
""Barrick’s chief executive, Aaron Regent, said the company treats all water used in mining, and said it complies with quality standards."" Who,s standards? And treating water? The usual treatment of water by a cor-piration is to build a flimsy dirt rock dam and pump it there. Well treated aye!
This is a true cor-piration at its finest hour!! They should take all the major shareholders and cor-pirate presidents chairman and other cronies
out and hang them. That would be justice! But justice is rarely ever done to the rich cor-pirates!!!
The satanic cor-pirations and their excessive need for greed will kill the planet and all with them....
""Barrick’s chief executive, Aaron Regent, said the company treats all water used in mining, and said it complies with quality standards."" Who,s standards? And treating water? The usual treatment of water by a cor-piration is to build a flimsy dirt rock dam and pump it there. Well treated aye!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Everyone Who’s Made a Hitler Parody Video, Leave the Room | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Everyone Who’s Made a Hitler Parody Video, Leave the Room | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Cor=pirations and their copyright 10,000 lbs gorilla the best bought laws there are.
It is truly time for a revaluation and the cor-pirate fat car greedite take down!!!!
Cor=pirations and their copyright 10,000 lbs gorilla the best bought laws there are.
It is truly time for a revaluation and the cor-pirate fat car greedite take down!!!!
Preliminary Analysis of the Officially Released ACTA Text | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Preliminary Analysis of the Officially Released ACTA Text | Electronic Frontier Foundation
how truely draconian can the bought laws of cor-pirations get!!! To not only squeeze the last cent out of you but but the last of your rights allso!!!
how truely draconian can the bought laws of cor-pirations get!!! To not only squeeze the last cent out of you but but the last of your rights allso!!!
How Gene Patents Harm Innovation -
How Gene Patents Harm Innovation -
I should patent the gene that causes reproduction. Then Ask that all muslams ether pay $100,00.00 each or remove it from their bodies....
I should patent the gene that causes reproduction. Then Ask that all muslams ether pay $100,00.00 each or remove it from their bodies....
Four Standard-Bearers For Stem Cell Therapies -
Four Standard-Bearers For Stem Cell Therapies -
These show great promise. But the only real hold up is how to achieve maximum buck for the minimum bang....
These show great promise. But the only real hold up is how to achieve maximum buck for the minimum bang....
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Gene that allows growing a new head identified • The Register
Gene that allows growing a new head identified • The Register
Well your at it make me two please....
Well your at it make me two please....
In Brazil, Google Fined For Content of Anonymous Posting
In Brazil, Google Fined For Content of Anonymous Posting
The internet as we knew it is coming to an end. Will slowly be hacked up divided up and locked up into a true miserable hell as only a cor-pirate could ever dream up!
The internet as we knew it is coming to an end. Will slowly be hacked up divided up and locked up into a true miserable hell as only a cor-pirate could ever dream up!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
un dah
Two sausages sizzling in a pan, one turns to the other and says "It's hot in here isn't it?" the other says "Jesus Christ! A talking sausage!"
Did you hear about the scarecrow who won the Nobel prize? He was outstanding in his field.
Did you here about the magic tractor? It went down the road and turned into a field.
Did you hear about the scarecrow who won the Nobel prize? He was outstanding in his field.
Did you here about the magic tractor? It went down the road and turned into a field.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
U.K. Passes Internet Censorship and Disconnection Law | Electronic Frontier Foundation
U.K. Passes Internet Censorship and Disconnection Law | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Cor-pirations and the best laws money can buy!!!!!
Cor-pirations and the best laws money can buy!!!!!
Government Backs Down in Yahoo! Email Privacy Case, Avoids Court Ruling on Important Digital Civil Liberties Issue | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Government Backs Down in Yahoo! Email Privacy Case, Avoids Court Ruling on Important Digital Civil Liberties Issue | Electronic Frontier
Pinning them down will be like catching a greased pig....
Pinning them down will be like catching a greased pig....
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Peru town copes with being devoured by mine
Peru town copes with being devoured by mine
Cor-pirations and the need for greed bring the time of the manosaur closer every day....
Cor-pirations and the need for greed bring the time of the manosaur closer every day....
patches by ascania digital oddity by matcreator ratoid by noggin pickerbot by originalmoron
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Schneier on Security: Side-Channel Attacks on Encrypted Web Traffic
Schneier on Security: Side-Channel Attacks on Encrypted Web Traffic
Big brother big brother they are watching we....
Big brother big brother they are watching we....
Acrobatic thieves hit N.J. Best Buy avoiding cameras, motion sensors, alarms in daring heist | -
Acrobatic thieves hit N.J. Best Buy avoiding cameras, motion sensors, alarms in daring heist | -
To find the exact spot to cut in roof they used a gps to first mark location on ground floor the used those coors on the roof.
To find the exact spot to cut in roof they used a gps to first mark location on ground floor the used those coors on the roof.
Friday, April 16, 2010
New road made from pigsh*t in Missouri • The Register
New road made from pigsh*t in Missouri • The Register
Start paveing all airports runways with it stat!!! muslams will not land or take off on it. Pave all highways leading to cities with it they will not travel on them ether.
Start paveing all airports runways with it stat!!! muslams will not land or take off on it. Pave all highways leading to cities with it they will not travel on them ether.
Chinese go beyond binary with ternary molecule • The Register
Chinese go beyond binary with ternary molecule • The Register
Well this does work. but you will need to now program in 0-1-2,s Binary will not work in trinary system.
Well this does work. but you will need to now program in 0-1-2,s Binary will not work in trinary system.
Death row inmate claims allergy to lethal injection • The Register
Death row inmate claims allergy to lethal injection • The Register
Well hell the allergic reaction just might kill him! Cannot allow that!!
Just fill him with kerari first that will paralyze all mussels hence no reaction.
Well hell the allergic reaction just might kill him! Cannot allow that!!
Just fill him with kerari first that will paralyze all mussels hence no reaction.
The Young and the Jobless
The Young and the Jobless
Emily B. Hager
Published: 09
Katie and Kristy Barry, 24-year-old twins and recent Rutgers graduates, spent a week recording their endless job search.
The harsh reality of education and joblessness...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Peak P? Phosphorus, food supply spurs Southwest initiative
Peak P? Phosphorus, food supply spurs Southwest initiative
Peak every thing is what is comeing down real quick. Time of the dawning of the age of the manosaur is up on us now.....
Peak every thing is what is comeing down real quick. Time of the dawning of the age of the manosaur is up on us now.....
Obama calls for sending people to Mars and back in his lifetime
Obama calls for sending people to Mars and back in his lifetime
I know some that just should be sent!! But not come back....
I know some that just should be sent!! But not come back....
Enceladus leaves plasma bubbles in its wake
Enceladus leaves plasma bubbles in its wake
Life on Enceladus water on mars what next?
Intelligence on earth don,t hold your breath....
Life on Enceladus water on mars what next?
Intelligence on earth don,t hold your breath....
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Traumatized trees: Bug them enough, they get fired up
Traumatized trees: Bug them enough, they get fired up
The trees of the earth die off. This the age of the dawning of the Manosaurs....
The trees of the earth die off. This the age of the dawning of the Manosaurs....
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
poserworks3d - for poser and daz fanatics to show and share their work
poserworks3d - for poser and daz fanatics to show and share their work
A very nice and friendly 3d art site!
A very nice and friendly 3d art site!
Who,s on first.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
New Zealand anti-whaling activist faces arrest on arrival in Japan
New Zealand anti-whaling activist faces arrest on arrival in Japan
The cor-pirationist will do a mock trial in true cor-pirate style and nail the hell out of them to show its the cor-pirates that rule!!
The cor-pirationist will do a mock trial in true cor-pirate style and nail the hell out of them to show its the cor-pirates that rule!!
An oil spill could be 'catastrophic' for British Columbia killer whales
An oil spill could be 'catastrophic' for British Columbia killer whales
They too will join the manosaurs....
They too will join the manosaurs....
Dolphin trader has a change of heart, decides to set them free
Dolphin trader has a change of heart, decides to set them free
Well he,s made his millions guess he don,t need no more!!
Well he,s made his millions guess he don,t need no more!!
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