Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. Boing Boing
Cor-pirations and the need for greed!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
UN sets up food distribution sites as gang violence rises
UN sets up food distribution sites as gang violence rises
Haiti is still very troubled!!!
Haiti is still very troubled!!!
9/11: Blueprint for Truth - 2008 Edition | Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
9/11: Blueprint for Truth - 2008 Edition | Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
This is a very eye opening video well worth watching!
This is a very eye opening video well worth watching!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hourly Indices | Market Data | Markets | Financial Post
The rise and fall of cor-pirate greed machine.
Hourly Indices | Market Data | Markets | Financial Post
Hourly Indices | Market Data | Markets | Financial Post
China needs fertilizer more than steel
The tiger rears its hungry head.
China needs fertilizer more than steel
China needs fertilizer more than steel
Apple’s iPad may not be ready to save print media
Apple’s iPad may not be ready to save print media
Ipad the ebook reader i wonder if it can read non proprietary formats and which formats it does read?
Ipad the ebook reader i wonder if it can read non proprietary formats and which formats it does read?
China threatens U.S. sanctions over Taiwan arms
China threatens U.S. sanctions over Taiwan arms
Tension 8.9 and rising 9.0 and rising....
Tension 8.9 and rising 9.0 and rising....
How Haiti lost its way: A tale of racism, religion and revenge
How Haiti lost its way: A tale of racism, religion and revenge
I recommend any to read this its informative.
I recommend any to read this its informative.
Saturday interview: Exclusive, with Robbie Bach, Microsoft
Saturday interview: Exclusive, with Robbie Bach, Microsoft
I,m not a gamer but found this interview interesting.
I,m not a gamer but found this interview interesting.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Windows 7 Opens Microsoft's Profits -
Windows 7 Opens Microsoft's Profits -
The NT kernel rears its ugly head yet again. How many times shall we be sold the same old same old?
Well at least they removed some of vistas nasty,s. But its just xp fluffed up. Like xp dependable.
But why do we need to buy it again did i miss something here?
The NT kernel rears its ugly head yet again. How many times shall we be sold the same old same old?
Well at least they removed some of vistas nasty,s. But its just xp fluffed up. Like xp dependable.
But why do we need to buy it again did i miss something here?
Goldman Sachs' China Problem -
Goldman Sachs' China Problem -
Seeing red in china. They are shrewd and as crooked as any american cor-piration. They know how to play dirty like americans.
Seeing red in china. They are shrewd and as crooked as any american cor-piration. They know how to play dirty like americans.
Shakespeare is dead- ABC News
Autopsy Confirms Body Is Missing Lotto Winner Abraham Shakespeare - ABC News
bet they thought they could get his money!
bet they thought they could get his money!
Toyota CEO Apologizes to His Customers: 'I Am Deeply Sorry'
Toyota CEO Apologizes to His Customers: 'I Am Deeply Sorry'
Very nice to see him apologize. Strange he drove away in an audi ....
Very nice to see him apologize. Strange he drove away in an audi ....
The Dynamics of Forest Canopy Motion
The Dynamics of Forest Canopy Motion
Now who would have thought of this!
Now who would have thought of this!
Buy the Biostar MCP6PB M2+ Power Up Barebone Kit at
Buy the Biostar MCP6PB M2+ Power Up Barebone Kit at
Now this would do my art soooo sooo very very welll just need a small lotto win!
Now this would do my art soooo sooo very very welll just need a small lotto win!
Hairline crack found in Cougar chopper
Hairline crack found in Cougar chopper
7 inch crack found in stewardess
7 inch crack found in stewardess
Cool new (sort of) Norton
Cool new (sort of) Norton
I would love one of these!! Please god let me win enough in lotto to get one and run it.
I would love one of these!! Please god let me win enough in lotto to get one and run it.
Cold grips Canada from Prairies to Atlantic
Cold grips Canada from Prairies to Atlantic
It,ll freeze the brass nuts off a monkey!
It,ll freeze the brass nuts off a monkey!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ceremonies mark 65th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation
Erik Kirschbaum and Ari Rabinowitch, Reuters Published: Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A survivor of the concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau attends a ceremony marking the 65th anniversary of its liberation, in Auschwitz Birkenau Jan. 27, 2010.BERLIN/OSWIECIM, Poland -- Israeli leaders called Iran a threat to the world on Wednesday, which is International Holocaust Memorial Day, and vowed that the Jewish people would never again fall victim to a fanatical regime. tail of out rage and human travesty at its finest hour.
Spirits of the ether come 4th

Origialmorons nurneries
Matcreators Odd world
Baybe grey textures mine
My Key board the I and K Keys no longer function. So will not be able to say thanK you any more. and cannot buy a Key board for some time as gave what ever money had to help Haiti. and copy pasteng the letters from else where on page s too dammed slow.
so taKe care
Screwed key board
Yesterday my key boards "k" and "i" keys were stuck . So i mentioned this in my art work posting. got a few inconsiderate people made fun thought it funny. Made me feel quite put own.
Then i a forum i belong to i posted that i was having this trouble and had a few nits pick at me thinking it so funny. Well no one likes feeling retarded or made to feel that way. I am no different.
Kick your friends when they are down they they are soon no longer your friends.
Found a good blog posting
This guy tells it like it is. Now if the news was only like that change could be brought about.
Then i a forum i belong to i posted that i was having this trouble and had a few nits pick at me thinking it so funny. Well no one likes feeling retarded or made to feel that way. I am no different.
Kick your friends when they are down they they are soon no longer your friends.
Found a good blog posting
This guy tells it like it is. Now if the news was only like that change could be brought about.
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