Are we content to turn our athletes into machines?
All done in the name of geed!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Interesting reading about this i knew many of these people or heard tails of the ones before...
Interesting reading about this i knew many of these people or heard tails of the ones before...
Aaron Campbell Grand Jury Letter
Aaron Campbell Grand Jury Letter
Got away because no specific law saying you cannot shoot some one in the back.
Got away because no specific law saying you cannot shoot some one in the back.
Hands Off Our Spirit Bear - Power Play
Hands Off Our Spirit Bear - Power Play
I was a hunter for years gave it up in the 80,s.
But hunting of Kermodes i say absolutely not to doing so!
I was a hunter for years gave it up in the 80,s.
But hunting of Kermodes i say absolutely not to doing so!
Science-Based Medicine » Changing Climate, Changing Infections
Science-Based Medicine » Changing Climate, Changing Infections
An excellent well written must read!!
""(I admit I heard this numerous times at ID lectures but do not have reference, at least there is a solution). As it gets warmer, mosquitos can either go up in elevation or North. ""
Just to let any one know mosquitos are and always have been up to and above the arctic circle.
An excellent well written must read!!
""(I admit I heard this numerous times at ID lectures but do not have reference, at least there is a solution). As it gets warmer, mosquitos can either go up in elevation or North. ""
Just to let any one know mosquitos are and always have been up to and above the arctic circle.
A wise overture to Damascus - The Boston Globe
A wise overture to Damascus - The Boston Globe
For Obama,s next feat he will walk on water...
For Obama,s next feat he will walk on water...
NIMBY on the links - The Boston Globe
NIMBY on the links - The Boston Globe
Tell the nimbasses if they come up with the money the town will lose out on by not building then they won,t.
Tell the nimbasses if they come up with the money the town will lose out on by not building then they won,t.
Ottawa floats stronger claim over Arctic waters
Ottawa floats stronger claim over Arctic waters
So will the mouse roar?
So will the mouse roar?
Chile quake triggers Pacific tsunami
Chile quake triggers Pacific tsunami
This was a big one buildings must be built better then in Haiti.
This was a big one buildings must be built better then in Haiti.
AIDS-like virus new threat to koala - Australian Geographic
AIDS-like virus new threat to koala - Australian Geographic
Guess they got board with sheep...
Guess they got board with sheep...
The Mega True Adventure
Friday, February 26, 2010
BBC News - Lasers lift dirt of ages from artworks
BBC News - Lasers lift dirt of ages from artworks
I like the results wonder if it has long term effects not et noticed?
I like the results wonder if it has long term effects not et noticed?
BBC News - Danish paper apologises for printing Muhammad cartoon
BBC News - Danish paper apologises for printing Muhammad cartoon
Wish i could draw cartoons i,d do one with mohamid with a french safe on his head!
Wish i could draw cartoons i,d do one with mohamid with a french safe on his head!
Cracking down on fracking |
Cracking down on fracking |
Fracking Cor-pirations!!
They have the gold they make the rules...
Fracking Cor-pirations!!
They have the gold they make the rules...
Largest Douglas fir in the world at risk say environmentalists
Largest Douglas fir in the world at risk say environmentalists
The cor-pirate logging companies are funneling the wind to blow it down so they can then clear cut the rest!
The cor-pirate logging companies are funneling the wind to blow it down so they can then clear cut the rest!
Sweden Labels Food With CO2 Data by Jeff Raderstrong — YES! Magazine
Sweden Labels Food With CO2 Data by Jeff Raderstrong — YES! Magazine
and you get 100th of a carbon credit for each burger you do not eat....
and you get 100th of a carbon credit for each burger you do not eat....
A snapshot of income disparity |
A snapshot of income disparity |
In a society of total greedite cor-pirationists what else would you exspect?
In a society of total greedite cor-pirationists what else would you exspect?
Toyota and the price of modernity |
Toyota and the price of modernity |
This guy makes some good sense!!
This guy makes some good sense!!
The Illusion of Inclusion |
The Illusion of Inclusion |
Well you hit the nail on the head!!! Its a fact peon,s comments don,t mean ship and committees are just apleasements...
All voice and platitude no teeth no bite little bark... Meant to make the masses think they have some input.But in reality only the co-pirations and their puppet gov any decision making!!
Well you hit the nail on the head!!! Its a fact peon,s comments don,t mean ship and committees are just apleasements...
All voice and platitude no teeth no bite little bark... Meant to make the masses think they have some input.But in reality only the co-pirations and their puppet gov any decision making!!
A rogue path for the bicycle cause |
A rogue path for the bicycle cause |
Well looking at the pictures i see a trail without the big eeco footprint the writer talks about.
And the charges he seems to be saying are truly very very over inflated.
Well looking at the pictures i see a trail without the big eeco footprint the writer talks about.
And the charges he seems to be saying are truly very very over inflated.
The Coding Source | Shark Bait
The Coding Source | Shark Bait
""your boss could tell you that all of your ideas are stupid and then implement them as if they were his ideas.""
Had a boss that would take my ideas implement them then take full credit for them.
So i carefully kept feeding him ideas till he excepted them with out question or thought and just ordered them done.
I gave him one that failed with the mother of all failures well he had bragged to his bosses about his new idea exclusively his idea.
With in days of its implementation it fell apart so fantastically the fired him his personal effects were waiting in a box at the gate.
Revenge is a dish best served cold and hard...
""your boss could tell you that all of your ideas are stupid and then implement them as if they were his ideas.""
Had a boss that would take my ideas implement them then take full credit for them.
So i carefully kept feeding him ideas till he excepted them with out question or thought and just ordered them done.
I gave him one that failed with the mother of all failures well he had bragged to his bosses about his new idea exclusively his idea.
With in days of its implementation it fell apart so fantastically the fired him his personal effects were waiting in a box at the gate.
Revenge is a dish best served cold and hard...
Mike Elgan: How Buzz, Facebook and Twitter create 'social insecurity'
Mike Elgan: How Buzz, Facebook and Twitter create 'social insecurity'
Privacy and security the internet myth. Just got a lot mytheir...
Privacy and security the internet myth. Just got a lot mytheir...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Carnegie Mellon's Chris Hendrickson tracks water use
Carnegie Mellon's Chris Hendrickson tracks water use
Water gluttons. i THINK THEY ARE 25-30% TOO HIGH on the water to sugar ratio,s.
Water gluttons. i THINK THEY ARE 25-30% TOO HIGH on the water to sugar ratio,s.
Carbon credits the ultimate scam
This is the ultimate scam of all time and its a cover for the end of our world as we knew it.
This is all just cor-pirate propaganda at its finest hour!!!!
If you believe carbon trading carbon credits are any good then you have fallen for the propaganda.
I never realized till watching Doc Zone just how much of a pure farce this is!!!
Have a watch with open mind and see if you think differently then me.
This is all just cor-pirate propaganda at its finest hour!!!!
If you believe carbon trading carbon credits are any good then you have fallen for the propaganda.
I never realized till watching Doc Zone just how much of a pure farce this is!!!
Have a watch with open mind and see if you think differently then me.
Rescuer tells of harrowing escape - The Boston Globe
Rescuer tells of harrowing escape - The Boston Globe
This persons deserves a metal!!!
But the dumb ass cashier that asked for the ticket with an suv chasing them with a gun has to be eligible far a dumbazz award!!
This persons deserves a metal!!!
But the dumb ass cashier that asked for the ticket with an suv chasing them with a gun has to be eligible far a dumbazz award!!
Process Explorer
Process Explorer
I have used various versions of this for years not tried the latest but will run it too.
I have used various versions of this for years not tried the latest but will run it too.
Oh Canada, you’re playing my song - The Boston Globe
Oh Canada, you’re playing my song - The Boston Globe
I like this guy one whom thinks with eyes wide open!!
I like this guy one whom thinks with eyes wide open!!
What Bloom Energy Needs To Prove -
What Bloom Energy Needs To Prove -
A fuel cell that uses natural gas. novel approach looks like it could work. High starting costs.
Durability only time will tell....
A fuel cell that uses natural gas. novel approach looks like it could work. High starting costs.
Durability only time will tell....
A New Life For Jatropha -
A New Life For Jatropha -
Wonder which food crop this will replace and how many will starve because of it.
Wonder which food crop this will replace and how many will starve because of it.
Energy Star's Relevancy Questioned -
Energy Star's Relevancy Questioned -
Fake green washing.
The palms of industry well greased and oiled...
Fake green washing.
The palms of industry well greased and oiled...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
DNA gentic code
DNA and the genetic code is just basic 1, and 0,s programing on steroids.
Like how quantum computing compares to regular computing. And is about as complex do to using so many different atoms and combination's the sum of its bit,s =Cx...1 But as time goes on we could conceivably write a being from scratch. Or chance one to suit the need. Not just minor code hacking splicing child's play as we do now. It is just basic quantum coding.Like bits and bytes to the power of 50000 but well with in reach and not so far off as you may think.
Like how quantum computing compares to regular computing. And is about as complex do to using so many different atoms and combination's the sum of its bit,s =Cx...1 But as time goes on we could conceivably write a being from scratch. Or chance one to suit the need. Not just minor code hacking splicing child's play as we do now. It is just basic quantum coding.Like bits and bytes to the power of 50000 but well with in reach and not so far off as you may think.
Reviving Norton Motorcycles - Motorcyclist Magazine
Reviving Norton Motorcycles - Motorcyclist Magazine
This is very good new!! But won,t do me a bit of good no gold no good....
This is very good new!! But won,t do me a bit of good no gold no good....
Dollars 4 Gold - Sell your gold and precious metals for money!
Dollars 4 Gold - Sell your gold and precious metals for money!
I have been seeing their adverts on tv and have been wondering just how much stolen gold has gotten laundered
through this means...
I have been seeing their adverts on tv and have been wondering just how much stolen gold has gotten laundered
through this means...
Whale kills trainer as horrified spectators watch
Whale kills trainer as horrified spectators watch
There is a definite bad pattern to the whale killing so many people.
There is a definite bad pattern to the whale killing so many people.
Clallam Co. clerk suspected of taking $792,000
Clallam Co. clerk suspected of taking $792,000
They say crime does not pay but it seems some get paid very well....
They say crime does not pay but it seems some get paid very well....
Upgrader fire forces Suncor to cut targets
Upgrader fire forces Suncor to cut targets
Spontaneous financial combustion?
It had 4 fires before this one in the last two years.
But did not say if there major or minor.
Sounds like some design flaws need to be dwelt with and if it cannot be then a better fire suppression system.
But this could just be one in a series of refinery fires designed to boost oil prices.
Like last time starting with miner refinery damage from Katrina and they conveniently start else where....
Spontaneous financial combustion?
It had 4 fires before this one in the last two years.
But did not say if there major or minor.
Sounds like some design flaws need to be dwelt with and if it cannot be then a better fire suppression system.
But this could just be one in a series of refinery fires designed to boost oil prices.
Like last time starting with miner refinery damage from Katrina and they conveniently start else where....
The Sheen Is Too Green -
The Sheen Is Too Green -
Its not about green but greenwashing!
Most hype and propaganda and not much more!!!
Its not about green but greenwashing!
Most hype and propaganda and not much more!!!
Surprising Home-Energy Hogs -
Surprising Home-Energy Hogs -
""But if each U.S. household had one of these frames running around the clock, it would take five power plants to run them all""
One reason i don,t own one of these!
""But if each U.S. household had one of these frames running around the clock, it would take five power plants to run them all""
One reason i don,t own one of these!
Snout to tail is the route chefs are taking with the whole pig these days - The Boston Globe
Snout to tail is the route chefs are taking with the whole pig these days - The Boston Globe
""Until a few years ago, fine dining meant eating high on the hog. The phrase refers, literally, to the traditionally finer cuts of meat above the belly, such as the top loin, choice ribs, and “Boston’’ roast, which is actually the shoulder.""
Well i learned something today never knew this terms origin though use it lots.
But seeing on how they are diverging into new pork frontiers and saying how pigs feet might be the next new item.
I think soon they will serve Pork crown jewels of the pig with side order of pig cork screw on toast.
JMHO...(meant in jest lol)
""Until a few years ago, fine dining meant eating high on the hog. The phrase refers, literally, to the traditionally finer cuts of meat above the belly, such as the top loin, choice ribs, and “Boston’’ roast, which is actually the shoulder.""
Well i learned something today never knew this terms origin though use it lots.
But seeing on how they are diverging into new pork frontiers and saying how pigs feet might be the next new item.
I think soon they will serve Pork crown jewels of the pig with side order of pig cork screw on toast.
JMHO...(meant in jest lol)
iPhone add-on connects to ‘Internet of things’ - The Boston Globe
iPhone add-on connects to ‘Internet of things’ - The Boston Globe
This is a real bad move with a bit of program mod,s it can read credit card RFID id,s and scam millions....
This is a real bad move with a bit of program mod,s it can read credit card RFID id,s and scam millions....
Banks broke mortgage modification rules, 2 lawsuits say - The Boston Globe
Banks broke mortgage modification rules, 2 lawsuits say - The Boston Globe
The cor-pirate parasites make and brake the rules if when and how they want!
The rule with an iron fist of greed.
The cor-pirate parasites make and brake the rules if when and how they want!
The rule with an iron fist of greed.
La. woman pleads guilty to selling children - The Boston Globe
La. woman pleads guilty to selling children - The Boston Globe
Selling your kids not a good thing at all.
Selling your kids not a good thing at all.
Bombardier inks $11.4B rail deal with France -
Bombardier inks $11.4B rail deal with France -
This looks to be a real good deal! Too bad it don,t benefit Canada...
This looks to be a real good deal! Too bad it don,t benefit Canada...
We let standards slip, Toyota president says |
We let standards slip, Toyota president says |
Buy them Toyota share well they are down will be going back up once the cor-pirate propaganda machines has trounced it for all they can.
Buy them Toyota share well they are down will be going back up once the cor-pirate propaganda machines has trounced it for all they can.
Hamilton: Albertan oil veteran pumping up 'nitrogen grid' -
Hamilton: Albertan oil veteran pumping up 'nitrogen grid' -
Using all the abandoned mines would work for just plain old compressed air we won,t run out of that too soon. Plus there are 100,s of old mines.
Using all the abandoned mines would work for just plain old compressed air we won,t run out of that too soon. Plus there are 100,s of old mines.
Mass. auditor hired jobless cousin as inspector -
Mass. auditor hired jobless cousin as inspector -
Here is one nobody has asked did he actually manage to do the job?
If so how well?
Here is one nobody has asked did he actually manage to do the job?
If so how well?
Scientists sound red tide warning in New England -
Scientists sound red tide warning in New England -
red tide in the winter and the nayer,s say no globule warming how droll...
red tide in the winter and the nayer,s say no globule warming how droll...
Smaller damages sought in music case - The Boston Globe
Smaller damages sought in music case - The Boston Globe
This is a true injustice that was done! It is amazing to see the effects of brainwashing
and how the cor-pirate greed machine can achieve an out come like it did.
I guess with the best laws their money can buy them this is what the only outcome can be.
It happens in a country that prides its self in using the word "Freedom" so often its pathetic at
But they are free to be gouged
Free to be used
Free to be railroaded in a world totally controlled ,
By the cor-piration
For the cor-piration
Because of the cor-piration
For them only do they stand...
This is a true injustice that was done! It is amazing to see the effects of brainwashing
and how the cor-pirate greed machine can achieve an out come like it did.
I guess with the best laws their money can buy them this is what the only outcome can be.
It happens in a country that prides its self in using the word "Freedom" so often its pathetic at
But they are free to be gouged
Free to be used
Free to be railroaded in a world totally controlled ,
By the cor-piration
For the cor-piration
Because of the cor-piration
For them only do they stand...
Daw: A little financial knowledge a dangerous thing -
Daw: A little financial knowledge a dangerous thing -
"""it was pretty clear that the financial sector's opportunistic lending practices and complicated, morally bankrupt investment products ruined everything."""
Blame the peon for the cor-pirates escapades of greed. Typical how they pass the buck!!
""Ontario's Minister of Finance Dwight Duncan may or may not get the cost-saving results he expects from changes in auto insurance.""
That only because any money saved will be claimed by the insurance Cor-pirations.
They will take the last penny from us peons and shake us down for more.
"""it was pretty clear that the financial sector's opportunistic lending practices and complicated, morally bankrupt investment products ruined everything."""
Blame the peon for the cor-pirates escapades of greed. Typical how they pass the buck!!
""Ontario's Minister of Finance Dwight Duncan may or may not get the cost-saving results he expects from changes in auto insurance.""
That only because any money saved will be claimed by the insurance Cor-pirations.
They will take the last penny from us peons and shake us down for more.
Natural gas falls below US$5 for first time in 10 weeks
Natural gas falls below US$5 for first time in 10 weeks
Price is fixed by the cor-piritic greed machine that scams all the peons all the time!!
i nearly froze last winter when the cor-pirate greed machine gouged the prices i had to turn heat down to 50f curse you you cor-pirate greedites!
Price is fixed by the cor-piritic greed machine that scams all the peons all the time!!
i nearly froze last winter when the cor-pirate greed machine gouged the prices i had to turn heat down to 50f curse you you cor-pirate greedites!
Wal-Mart to expand; other retailers wary -
Wal-Mart to expand; other retailers wary -
As wallymartsexpands so does diversity and variety diminish!!!!
As you will only have wallymarts chosen few items of dubious quality and nothing eles...
As wallymartsexpands so does diversity and variety diminish!!!!
As you will only have wallymarts chosen few items of dubious quality and nothing eles...
Canadian Solar targets U.S. utilities
Canadian Solar targets U.S. utilities
With out profits where is the incentive to build these?
And we all know greenwashing is a myth.
With out profits where is the incentive to build these?
And we all know greenwashing is a myth.
Critics slam lack of firm price tag for reactors -
Critics slam lack of firm price tag for reactors -
I think they need to look into replacing these with wave reactors....
""Predictions that hundreds of Canadian retailers would bite the dust during the 2009 recession turned out to be patently wrong," "
Just needs a little more time.
I think they need to look into replacing these with wave reactors....
""Predictions that hundreds of Canadian retailers would bite the dust during the 2009 recession turned out to be patently wrong," "
Just needs a little more time.
17% jump in Wall St. bonuses a 'bitter pill' -
17% jump in Wall St. bonuses a 'bitter pill' -
The wall street greedite cor-pirate slugs getting bigger and bigger bonuses?
How low can they go?
Very very low it would seem...
""Taxpayers bailed them out and now they're back making money while many New York families are still struggling to make ends meet.''""
Its not about the peon masses its about fleece onto others and greed.
The wall street greedite cor-pirate slugs getting bigger and bigger bonuses?
How low can they go?
Very very low it would seem...
""Taxpayers bailed them out and now they're back making money while many New York families are still struggling to make ends meet.''""
Its not about the peon masses its about fleece onto others and greed.
Come on Down!!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Can you trust Chinese computer equipment? | ITworld
Can you trust Chinese computer equipment? | ITworld
Beware of man bearing gifts.
Also beware of memory sticks lost in parking lots bet there is a rootkit or two....
Beware of man bearing gifts.
Also beware of memory sticks lost in parking lots bet there is a rootkit or two....
Canadian Red Cross - Haiti earthquake - Urgent help needed
Canadian Red Cross - Haiti earthquake - Urgent help needed
If your reading this then you know far more help is needed!!
Please help out!!!!!
If your reading this then you know far more help is needed!!
Please help out!!!!! » News » Yemeni LNG Tanker Arrives Safely In Boston Harbor » News » Yemeni LNG Tanker Arrives Safely In Boston Harbor
The first commenter on this story wrote some very good points.
The first commenter on this story wrote some very good points.
A irony born from freedom - The Boston Globe
A irony born from freedom - The Boston Globe
Cor-pirate freedom is not freedom at all...
Cor-pirate freedom is not freedom at all...
Monday, February 22, 2010
Inspired by Leeches, "Outlet Regulator" Ejects Plug From Wall When Device Is Charged : TreeHugger
Inspired by Leeches, "Outlet Regulator" Ejects Plug From Wall When Device Is Charged : TreeHugger
The thing that spits out the plug still uses power so nothing gain except cost of gimmick.
The thing that spits out the plug still uses power so nothing gain except cost of gimmick.
Malware attack spammed out disguised as email settings file...
Malware attack spammed out disguised as email settings file...
They phish for you to bite so you will install this. Never surprises me.
They phish for you to bite so you will install this. Never surprises me.
"Professional 3D Computer Graphics software to create, animate and render realistic 3D worlds, landscapes and natural environments"
An interesting interview with a vue artist.
An interesting interview with a vue artist.
EU condemns Dubai killing
EU condemns Dubai killing
They sure as hell do not show this much concern when muslams do this no not a peep.
They sure as hell do not show this much concern when muslams do this no not a peep.
Optimism persists despite Afghan airstrike
Optimism persists despite Afghan airstrike
But then again this is what they said 8 years ago. When bush won both wars lol....
But then again this is what they said 8 years ago. When bush won both wars lol....
U.S. mulls ban on BlackBerry items
U.S. mulls ban on BlackBerry items
Big American cor-piration wants a cut of the pie and with the best laws lobbying can buy you will get it.
Cor-pirations and the need for greed!!
Big American cor-piration wants a cut of the pie and with the best laws lobbying can buy you will get it.
Cor-pirations and the need for greed!!
Edmonton show home bursts into flame while being shown
Edmonton show home bursts into flame while being shown
This house is one hot deal!!!!
This house is one hot deal!!!!
Cross burned on Nova Scotia couple's lawn
Cross burned on Nova Scotia couple's lawn
Seems the kkk is alive and well in Nova Scotia .Some things re just plain low and this hate crime is one!
Seems the kkk is alive and well in Nova Scotia .Some things re just plain low and this hate crime is one!
Runtime DNA Inc. :: Vendors :: sixthsense
Runtime DNA Inc. :: Vendors :: sixthsense
These guys are good!
These guys are good!
Security consultant turned hacker sentenced to 13 years in prison
Security consultant turned hacker sentenced to 13 years in prison
Chalk one up for the good side....
Chalk one up for the good side....
Secure Internet browser: Comodo Dragon
Secure Internet browser: Comodo Dragon
Comodo,s got a browser out i will give this a run through. Be very nice if firefox plugins would work with it?
Comodo,s got a browser out i will give this a run through. Be very nice if firefox plugins would work with it?
Man gets 309 years in prison for identity theft
Man gets 309 years in prison for identity theft
May be a deterrent to some. But bet it will not slow down!
May be a deterrent to some. But bet it will not slow down!
Imminent flood of smartphone malware?
Imminent flood of smartphone malware?
Wonder how many that plan to profit from making antimalware programs got black ops helping to develop malware??
Create a need make a billion.
Wonder how many that plan to profit from making antimalware programs got black ops helping to develop malware??
Create a need make a billion.
Botnets, the ever-present threat
Botnets, the ever-present threat
This only goes to prove that email is insecure. As this company is reading 7 mil emails a day who,s are they reading?
Privacy the illusion of the net...
This only goes to prove that email is insecure. As this company is reading 7 mil emails a day who,s are they reading?
Privacy the illusion of the net...
Google attacks linked to two Chinese schools
Google attacks linked to two Chinese schools
Curiouser and curioser....
Curiouser and curioser....
Paul Russell: 65 years on, Dresden is a hot topic; so are some current photos - Full Comment
Paul Russell: 65 years on, Dresden is a hot topic; so are some current photos - Full Comment
""“War is, by definition, armed conflict, with the intention of imposing one side’s will over the other’s,” wrote Eric Warburton. “War is not an exercise in sportsmanship; you do whatever you have to do to win.”""
I think this sums it up nicely!
""“War is, by definition, armed conflict, with the intention of imposing one side’s will over the other’s,” wrote Eric Warburton. “War is not an exercise in sportsmanship; you do whatever you have to do to win.”""
I think this sums it up nicely!
Toyota memo raises stakes for chief
Toyota memo raises stakes for chief
What is really behind this is Americas big Cor-pirate 3 auto makers trying to knock Toyota down rather then improve their inferior junk heaps...
What is really behind this is Americas big Cor-pirate 3 auto makers trying to knock Toyota down rather then improve their inferior junk heaps...
NATO air strike, Afghan suicide attack kill 41
NATO air strike, Afghan suicide attack kill 41
Just carpet bomb the place.Wait a week repeat.
Then let God sort it out...
Just carpet bomb the place.Wait a week repeat.
Then let God sort it out...
B7b bytes back:Don,t whine

Back ground material made useing lemon jim,s picture.Thx Jim!!
Raider outfit by Xurge i won gift cert at Fantasyattic for SAOTW
Deampain props
Originalmorons nurneries
I have found b7 handles bump maps better in b6 i spent 8 hours trying to get the picture lemon Jim said i could use to work as a mat no matter what i
tried it would not work very well. I tried it in b7 with out changing any settings and it seemed to work fairly well. You can now make night scenes by using ibl and turning effect way down and just use radial lights where light needed.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Official: FBI probing Pa. school webcam spy case -
Official: FBI probing Pa. school webcam spy case -
We spy with our little eyes...
We spy with our little eyes...
Harvesting wind power: BETC is not a bad word | The Stump -
Harvesting wind power: BETC is not a bad word | The Stump -
Here is a novel approach have Nasa design a wind power towered generation unit that can be build by mid to lower level
fabrication shops and put up with minimal equipment and cranes.
And a standardized electrical integration circuits .
Then put design in public domain. Have these plans be underwriter approved.
With emphasis on using ready made parts where ever applicable.
Then you will see these go up a lot quicker.
Here is a novel approach have Nasa design a wind power towered generation unit that can be build by mid to lower level
fabrication shops and put up with minimal equipment and cranes.
And a standardized electrical integration circuits .
Then put design in public domain. Have these plans be underwriter approved.
With emphasis on using ready made parts where ever applicable.
Then you will see these go up a lot quicker.
Bryce bite me! by wawadave Bryce Science Fiction
Bryce bite me! by wawadave Bryce Science Fiction
It will seem i,m not the only one who had this problem.
It will seem i,m not the only one who had this problem.
IRAN: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says nuclear program aimed at 'awakening the spirit' of Muslim world | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times
IRAN: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says nuclear program aimed at 'awakening the spirit' of Muslim world | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times
If you believe that then pigs will fly out his butt!
If you believe that then pigs will fly out his butt!
Ecuador effort to protect nature reserve in peril -
Ecuador effort to protect nature reserve in peril -
Its a shame but big oil will come out over environment every time!!
Its a shame but big oil will come out over environment every time!!
Bangkok hopes pigeon-relocation plan can take wing -
Bangkok hopes pigeon-relocation plan can take wing -
They will come right back!!! Ever here of homing pigeons? lol rofl
They will come right back!!! Ever here of homing pigeons? lol rofl
Saturday, February 20, 2010
U.S. turns to Sweden as model in nuclear waste storage -
U.S. turns to Sweden as model in nuclear waste storage -
Might be cheaper to build a bunch of wave reactors and use the waste as fuel.
Might be cheaper to build a bunch of wave reactors and use the waste as fuel.
Bryce bite me!!!

I installed bryce beta 7b took 25 hours.
Ok had this real fine render going 3 days our crapola power went out so i saved scene file. waited power back up restart b7b and it starts but will only use 30% or less of 1 cpu so that means 3 more days to finish rendering was at 58%.
Nothing i can do will make it use both cpu,s except over.3 days ether way. i.m peeved nothing i can do so with out swearing you will see a not done picture all the Patience i have now.
The Aaron Campbell shooting: One loose cannon cop is all it takes | –
The Aaron Campbell shooting: One loose cannon cop is all it takes | –
"I mean he just dove his hand straight down the middle of his back," Frashour told the grand jury, and (I) instantly thought, 'He is pulling a gun out.'"
Its physically impossible to move your hand like that. Try it i did.
"I mean he just dove his hand straight down the middle of his back," Frashour told the grand jury, and (I) instantly thought, 'He is pulling a gun out.'"
Its physically impossible to move your hand like that. Try it i did.
Lake Oswego's Gene Wizer: The old guard protects his fortress | Steve Duin - –
Lake Oswego's Gene Wizer: The old guard protects his fortress | Steve Duin - –
Looks like the big buckers putting the squeeze on the little guy.
Looks like the big buckers putting the squeeze on the little guy.
Loss of trust in police threatens the safety of officers and citizens | The Stump -
Loss of trust in police threatens the safety of officers and citizens | The Stump -
I like this woman!! She is spot on the money....
92 incident's findings on police remain valid
This is another good read.
I like this woman!! She is spot on the money....
92 incident's findings on police remain valid
This is another good read.
Repairing the breach starts now | The Stump -
Repairing the breach starts now | The Stump -
The apologists out in force. A lame leo,s commenting the last one i saw a real doozy.
Sweep it under the rug dear Mary
Sweep it under the rug...
The apologists out in force. A lame leo,s commenting the last one i saw a real doozy.
Sweep it under the rug dear Mary
Sweep it under the rug...
Gender and Justice in Haiti by Beverly Bell — YES! Magazine
Gender and Justice in Haiti by Beverly Bell — YES! Magazine
Interesting woman.She did great work.Shame she is gone.
Interesting woman.She did great work.Shame she is gone.
Head, Heart, and Hands: Breaking the Cycle of Religious Fear by Sheikh Jamal Rahman — YES! Magazine
Head, Heart, and Hands: Breaking the Cycle of Religious Fear by Sheikh Jamal Rahman — YES! Magazine
If Gandi could do it so can every one else. But i find many christians are totally into hate and back stabbing around here.
And just go out of their way to hate any one even other christians. Heck even the preachers here are into back stabbing,
and love to preach hate this bunch hate that bunch lets all hate together.
If Gandi could do it so can every one else. But i find many christians are totally into hate and back stabbing around here.
And just go out of their way to hate any one even other christians. Heck even the preachers here are into back stabbing,
and love to preach hate this bunch hate that bunch lets all hate together.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Olympics: O Canada, I stand on guard for thee | –
Olympics: O Canada, I stand on guard for thee | –
Thank you very much Portland!!!!
From Canuckastan....
Thank you very much Portland!!!!
From Canuckastan....
Aid to Haiti will fade | My Oregon -
Aid to Haiti will fade | My Oregon -
This unfortunately for all intents is about how it will go. But i pray it will not.
This unfortunately for all intents is about how it will go. But i pray it will not.
Genetically modified pork one step closer to dinner table
Genetically modified pork one step closer to dinner table
They taste like Chorken....
They also eat BS and urinate Alcohol
They taste like Chorken....
They also eat BS and urinate Alcohol
Canada confirms opposition to global bank tax
Canada confirms opposition to global bank tax
Tax our cor-pirate pariah banks ?? You would sooner see muloony confess to his kick backs lol.
It also eats BS and urinates alcohol...
Tax our cor-pirate pariah banks ?? You would sooner see muloony confess to his kick backs lol.
It also eats BS and urinates alcohol...
Royal B.C. Museum embarks on first step of expansion plan
Royal B.C. Museum embarks on first step of expansion plan
I think this is a very good move.Back before the socreds cheapoes add an admission charge to get in.
I would visit once a month and look around was allways interesting.
This expansion is much needed.
I think this is a very good move.Back before the socreds cheapoes add an admission charge to get in.
I would visit once a month and look around was allways interesting.
This expansion is much needed.
10 Year Term of EFF Chairman Winds Down with EFF's 20th Anniversary Tonight | Electronic Frontier Foundation
10 Year Term of EFF Chairman Winds Down with EFF's 20th Anniversary Tonight | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Thank you for all your good work and service!
Good luck To you in the future!
Thank you for all your good work and service!
Good luck To you in the future!
EFF to Wisconsin: Just Say No to Warrantless GPS Tracking | Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF to Wisconsin: Just Say No to Warrantless GPS Tracking | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Yes and soon we will all be implanted with them.
Yes and soon we will all be implanted with them.
Music Journalism is the New Piracy | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Music Journalism is the New Piracy | Electronic Frontier Foundation
''"Targeted bloggers need to know these details, not only so that they can remove the file if it's indeed infringing, but so that they can file a DMCA counter-notice in the event that the file is not infringing.''"
And this is exactly why they do not tell you!!!!
''"Targeted bloggers need to know these details, not only so that they can remove the file if it's indeed infringing, but so that they can file a DMCA counter-notice in the event that the file is not infringing.''"
And this is exactly why they do not tell you!!!!
Terracotta Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Terracotta Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Terracotta warriors been seeing these for years quite interesting!
Terracotta warriors been seeing these for years quite interesting!
Hard to match the Brits' scathing criticism of Vancouver's Olympics
Hard to match the Brits' scathing criticism of Vancouver's Olympics
""The Guardian's Marina Hyde, in a column urging Canadians to “lighten up,” said host countries should accept that they're spending billions for the right to be laughed at by the rest of the world.""
That about sums it up.
""The Guardian's Marina Hyde, in a column urging Canadians to “lighten up,” said host countries should accept that they're spending billions for the right to be laughed at by the rest of the world.""
That about sums it up.
Russia 'very alarmed' at Iranian nuclear stance
Russia 'very alarmed' at Iranian nuclear stance
It must be really really bad if they speak out! I,m going to start an air-raid shelter.
Fanatics with nukes scary is not a strong enough word at all.
notice the VS was too candy assed to allow comments don,t want to comments.
Don,t want to offend the muslams .They might nuke them....
It must be really really bad if they speak out! I,m going to start an air-raid shelter.
Fanatics with nukes scary is not a strong enough word at all.
notice the VS was too candy assed to allow comments don,t want to comments.
Don,t want to offend the muslams .They might nuke them....
How to rob somebody using Google Buzz | ITworld
How to rob somebody using Google Buzz | ITworld
Get ripped by Buzzsaw!!!
Get ripped by Buzzsaw!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Britain's Churchill demanded UFO briefing: secret files
Britain's Churchill demanded UFO briefing: secret files
The truth is out there! We just don,t have a clue what it is....
The truth is out there! We just don,t have a clue what it is....
Canada's last known Great War vet dies
Canada's last known Great War vet dies
Rest in peace oldtimer!!!
Rest in peace oldtimer!!!
GE's Nuclear Waste Plan -
GE's Nuclear Waste Plan -
This looks like a good idea.
here is another good one
Some very good info links diagrams etc.
some more good info
PFD on this
This looks like a good idea.
here is another good one
Some very good info links diagrams etc.
some more good info
PFD on this
Dozens Of Defense Contractors, Agencies Hacked -
Dozens Of Defense Contractors, Agencies Hacked -
Big Brother is being watched! lol lmao rofl
Big Brother is being watched! lol lmao rofl
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Pan-frying meat with gas may be worse than electricity for raising cancer risk
Pan-frying meat with gas may be worse than electricity for raising cancer risk
All hicks,inbreeds and ignoramuses please cook every thing with gas please!
All hicks,inbreeds and ignoramuses please cook every thing with gas please!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
BBC News - Mending hearts in times of conflict
BBC News - Mending hearts in times of conflict
Peace one step at a time...
Peace one step at a time...
BBC News - Fossils 'record past sea changes'
BBC News - Fossils 'record past sea changes'
During ice ages they would have been high and dry...
During ice ages they would have been high and dry...
Researchers Develop Nanofiber-Based Technology to Make Energy-Efficient Lighting
Researchers Develop Nanofiber-Based Technology to Make Energy-Efficient Lighting
With a bit of tweaking they might be made more efficient yet!
With a bit of tweaking they might be made more efficient yet!
IBM develops promising contender for cheaper solar cells
IBM develops promising contender for cheaper solar cells
A brake through Kaching kaching!!! This is a good sign hope they don,t hyper greed its price to bad!
A brake through Kaching kaching!!! This is a good sign hope they don,t hyper greed its price to bad!
Silicon-coated nanonets could build a better lithium-ion battery
Silicon-coated nanonets could build a better lithium-ion battery
Found this one quite interesting!
And we are just barely touching of what can be done with nano latices and tubes.
Found this one quite interesting!
And we are just barely touching of what can be done with nano latices and tubes.
Scientists solve ageing puzzle (w/ Video)
Scientists solve ageing puzzle (w/ Video)
The fountain of age has been found.
The fountain of age has been found.
Free trade, loss of support systems crippling food production in Africa
Free trade, loss of support systems crippling food production in Africa
Another white person boondoggle. How much more can we screw people over?
Another white person boondoggle. How much more can we screw people over?
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Great Seal Bug Story - Russian Eavesdropping - Leon Theremin
The Great Seal Bug Story - Russian Eavesdropping - Leon Theremin
It got its power same way radio frequency id tags get there,s!
It got its power same way radio frequency id tags get there,s!
Information Security Magazine (Feb 2010) : Schneier-Ranum Face-Off: Should we ban anonymity on the Internet?
Information Security Magazine (Feb 2010) : Schneier-Ranum Face-Off: Should we ban anonymity on the Internet?
Truly solid thinking! Hope the governments read this!!!!
Truly solid thinking! Hope the governments read this!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Dental researcher finds switch that turns on the spread of cancer
Dental researcher finds switch that turns on the spread of cancer
Ok next step how to stop or kill this Dab2.
Ok next step how to stop or kill this Dab2.
Greenland ice loss driven by warming seas: study
Greenland ice loss driven by warming seas: study
The world is coming to an end.This generations will live to see it.
The world is coming to an end.This generations will live to see it.
ISO50 - The Blog of Scott Hansen » Overcoming Creative Block
ISO50 - The Blog of Scott Hansen » Overcoming Creative Block
"I try to alternate the tenor of my years, like crop rotations. In odd-numbered years (eg, 2009) I travel more and concentrate on personal projects and initiatives, while in even-numbered years (eg, 2008), I try to do more work and make more of a profit. In the odd years, I try to take a long trip."
Well lets see how that applies to me.
1 in non poverty stricken years i will travel....
Well i,m still here year after year.
Funny so many other get these fantastic choices in life all i get is harassed by the cops buddy a grow operator
So for an on-cor it get more harassment.
"I try to alternate the tenor of my years, like crop rotations. In odd-numbered years (eg, 2009) I travel more and concentrate on personal projects and initiatives, while in even-numbered years (eg, 2008), I try to do more work and make more of a profit. In the odd years, I try to take a long trip."
Well lets see how that applies to me.
1 in non poverty stricken years i will travel....
Well i,m still here year after year.
Funny so many other get these fantastic choices in life all i get is harassed by the cops buddy a grow operator
So for an on-cor it get more harassment.
It's Corporatism, Not Socialism |
It's Corporatism, Not Socialism |
Corperialisum is raising its ugly head!!
Can you say Cor-pirations and the need for greed!!!
Corperialisum is raising its ugly head!!
Can you say Cor-pirations and the need for greed!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Seven people arrested in police protests
Seven people arrested in police protests
Protesting the cor-pirate games. I see the gov,s propaganda machines fully oiled.
The shock troops were in full force.
Protesting the cor-pirate games. I see the gov,s propaganda machines fully oiled.
The shock troops were in full force.
Plans advance for Golden Gate Bridge suicide nets
Plans advance for Golden Gate Bridge suicide nets
Ok s now you jump land in the net then crawl to edge of net jump again.
Ok s now you jump land in the net then crawl to edge of net jump again.
'Keep Portland Weird' makes sense as a jobs strategy | The Stump -
'Keep Portland Weird' makes sense as a jobs strategy | The Stump -
"Keep Portland Weird" They could make billions exporting this....
"Keep Portland Weird" They could make billions exporting this....
A lesson in civility | The Stump -
A lesson in civility | The Stump -
Definitely the beat of the different drummer was heard here...
Definitely the beat of the different drummer was heard here...
Oregon woman's struggles after prison show the nightmare that keeps on giving | Steve Duin - –
Oregon woman's struggles after prison show the nightmare that keeps on giving | Steve Duin - –
Double shafting and branded. I know what its like to be kicked well you are down.
Double shafting and branded. I know what its like to be kicked well you are down.
Clean up Hanford completely | My Oregon -
Clean up Hanford completely | My Oregon -
Radio active time bomb on short fuse. This is one of the most toxic sites in the western world....
Radio active time bomb on short fuse. This is one of the most toxic sites in the western world....
Female faculty member kills three in Huntsville university shooting
Female faculty member kills three in Huntsville university shooting
If you push some one long and hard enough they will brake.
If you push some one long and hard enough they will brake.
George Jonas: Adam Giambrone has nothing to apologize for - Full Comment
George Jonas: Adam Giambrone has nothing to apologize for - Full Comment
Cooked in love crooked in life crooked in job.
Untrustworthy through and through.
Cooked in love crooked in life crooked in job.
Untrustworthy through and through.
NATO launches major Afghanistan offensive
NATO launches major Afghanistan offensive
Into the futile they go marching to and fro
To do the deeds of a war cor-pirate
A war greedited Started to line pockets of bush and croonies...
landing zones lit up by lasers as part of a carefully choreographed aerial ballet
The post is writing this like some choreographed opera.Like when they first attacked iraq the cor-pirate propagandists were reading it lie poetry yes i kid you not. This seems to resemble it.
Into the futile they go marching to and fro
To do the deeds of a war cor-pirate
A war greedited Started to line pockets of bush and croonies...
landing zones lit up by lasers as part of a carefully choreographed aerial ballet
The post is writing this like some choreographed opera.Like when they first attacked iraq the cor-pirate propagandists were reading it lie poetry yes i kid you not. This seems to resemble it.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Trading Day: TSX rallies on tame inflation report from China
Trading Day: TSX rallies on tame inflation report from China
Strange how the world has changed. When Chinese inflation rate affects the rest of the world.
Strange how the world has changed. When Chinese inflation rate affects the rest of the world.
At-risk fish pulled from up to 1,900 supermarkets - The Green Man
At-risk fish pulled from up to 1,900 supermarkets - The Green Man
This is a definite good move i applaud them!
This is a definite good move i applaud them!
Vancouver billionaire sets trial date for gun, confinement and drug charges
Vancouver billionaire sets trial date for gun, confinement and drug charges
Ting Kwok David Ho, is a longtime Liberal supporter
Now the chickens come home to roost...
Ting Kwok David Ho, is a longtime Liberal supporter
Now the chickens come home to roost...
Proposed solar power plant tangled in many messy questions
Proposed solar power plant tangled in many messy questions
Some things just too good to be true!
Some things just too good to be true!
Microscope-wielding boffins crack cordless phone crypto • The Register
Microscope-wielding boffins crack cordless phone crypto • The Register
I see they found the weak link there are more....
I see they found the weak link there are more....
RAM Memory Upgrade: Dell, Mac, Apple, HP, Compaq. USB drives, flash cards, SSD at
RAM Memory Upgrade: Dell, Mac, Apple, HP, Compaq. USB drives, flash cards, SSD at
If you need ram or flash memory These are the most reliable helpful people i know of!!!
If you need ram or flash memory These are the most reliable helpful people i know of!!!
MS update gives some XP boxes the Blue Screen • The Register
MS update gives some XP boxes the Blue Screen • The Register
Might be part of the sour the milk cycle ms is famous for!
Might be part of the sour the milk cycle ms is famous for!
Time to Tax Financial Speculation by Sarah Anderson — YES! Magazine
Time to Tax Financial Speculation by Sarah Anderson — YES! Magazine
This tax grab will only make the the cor-pirate financial institutions jack it too us in many other ways.
This tax grab will only make the the cor-pirate financial institutions jack it too us in many other ways.
Bought $20 keyboard at wallymart
I bought a $20.00 keyboard at wallymart. Get to the register girl wage slave punches it in and the electronic sign near me starts flashing $14.95 flash flash flash i said whats that for?Wage slave says extended 2 year warranty... Like i,d want to give wallymart $14.95 for a two year extended warranty on a $20.00 dollar item!!!! And acording to market place and W5 these are just bunk any how. And i long since knew that.
Wallymart wake up we are not even near to that dumb.
Wallymart wake up we are not even near to that dumb.
#Perhaps I missed the point of prison.
New cig peril: Third-hand smoke coats puffers in poison • The Register
New cig peril: Third-hand smoke coats puffers in poison • The Register
Maybe if they put something harmful in cigarettes that made then get sick and die they might quit.
Oh there is all ready....
You should hear the moronic smokers commenter,s rant on this lol
Maybe if they put something harmful in cigarettes that made then get sick and die they might quit.
Oh there is all ready....
You should hear the moronic smokers commenter,s rant on this lol
Google Buzz leaves privacy concerns ringing in ears • The Register
Google Buzz leaves privacy concerns ringing in ears • The Register
For once MR.Gates i agree with you!
Has hell indeed frozen over.....
For once MR.Gates i agree with you!
Has hell indeed frozen over.....
Researchers rip iPad apart to reveal Apple's profits • The Register
Researchers rip iPad apart to reveal Apple's profits • The Register
Chachisel mowisel can you say gouge and cheep ....
Chachisel mowisel can you say gouge and cheep ....
Province to cut $10 million from community services for children, families
Province to cut $10 million from community services for children, families
I personally know some of the fat asses that work there and if any don,t deserve a job its them.
Some are very dedicated.Its those others from hell but you can bet your bottom dollar they are the ones they keep!
The mean lazy one always remain. Its the nature of bureaucracy daemons like them .
Some of the comments say it well too.
This one is very good!!
They'll be long, long gone by the time the chicken comes home to roost.
People. Who voted these shysters into office?
I personally know some of the fat asses that work there and if any don,t deserve a job its them.
Some are very dedicated.Its those others from hell but you can bet your bottom dollar they are the ones they keep!
The mean lazy one always remain. Its the nature of bureaucracy daemons like them .
Some of the comments say it well too.
This one is very good!!
They'll be long, long gone by the time the chicken comes home to roost.
People. Who voted these shysters into office?
ICBC loses stunt driver appeal
ICBC loses stunt driver appeal
The drunken con got out of it. And you wonder why insurance is soo high....
The drunken con got out of it. And you wonder why insurance is soo high....
Thursday, February 11, 2010
GISS manipulates climate data in Mackay « kenskingdom Blog
GISS manipulates climate data in Mackay « kenskingdom Blog
If you can wade though this one your doing good...
If you can wade though this one your doing good...
Coming to Milwaukee: A Chinese mega-mall? -
Coming to Milwaukee: A Chinese mega-mall? -
This will make it far easier for Harley to get its parts brought in....
"It is only a matter of time for the U.S. to recognize Chinese products are high quality"
Then why don,t they sell those here in stead of the junk they do?
This will make it far easier for Harley to get its parts brought in....
"It is only a matter of time for the U.S. to recognize Chinese products are high quality"
Then why don,t they sell those here in stead of the junk they do?
The Oil 'Crunch' Nears -
The Oil 'Crunch' Nears -
Yes it is comeing and soon. The world as you know it will be screwed right over.
The cor-pirated will greed out the last little bit till no more can be ground from the bones of the
In the comments one duffus say,s
"We need to "drill, baby, drill"
Shows that cor-pirate brain washing is fully in effect.
Because the whole article is about there being no where left to drill. DUH!!!!
All those years of education cut backs lazy unionized teachers.
Are coming back to byte the system that greed's them.
They never ever wanted joe average to be able to think.
Because then he would question what is wrong with the
mess around him and see its quite broke.
And when this crunch comes yes when.The rich hoardite greedites
will have their walled up well stocked retreats to crawl out of and
stand on the bones of the fleast .
Yes it is comeing and soon. The world as you know it will be screwed right over.
The cor-pirated will greed out the last little bit till no more can be ground from the bones of the
In the comments one duffus say,s
"We need to "drill, baby, drill"
Shows that cor-pirate brain washing is fully in effect.
Because the whole article is about there being no where left to drill. DUH!!!!
All those years of education cut backs lazy unionized teachers.
Are coming back to byte the system that greed's them.
They never ever wanted joe average to be able to think.
Because then he would question what is wrong with the
mess around him and see its quite broke.
And when this crunch comes yes when.The rich hoardite greedites
will have their walled up well stocked retreats to crawl out of and
stand on the bones of the fleast .
Doubts Build On Glaxo's Antiaging Drugs -
Doubts Build On Glaxo's Antiaging Drugs -
American health care a true oxymoron.
They only cures they go for are those that are extremely profitable.
And no out right cure for any thing will ever be produced.
As that would only mean selling the cor-product once only.
You can be guaranteed they have found cures for many things.
stifled them in their tracks.
No treatments long term and them only will the cor-piraes release.
Longer term and more expensive is all a cor-pirate will ever show.
In their averts they say "Helping to find a cure" only helping never curing.
As long as cor-pirate greedites run things you will only ever have the cure for
full walet syndrome.....
American health care a true oxymoron.
They only cures they go for are those that are extremely profitable.
And no out right cure for any thing will ever be produced.
As that would only mean selling the cor-product once only.
You can be guaranteed they have found cures for many things.
stifled them in their tracks.
No treatments long term and them only will the cor-piraes release.
Longer term and more expensive is all a cor-pirate will ever show.
In their averts they say "Helping to find a cure" only helping never curing.
As long as cor-pirate greedites run things you will only ever have the cure for
full walet syndrome.....
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
JOHN STEINSVOLD - HOME OF THE BRAVE? -by JOHN STEINSVOLD - Athenaeum Library of Philosophy
JOHN STEINSVOLD - HOME OF THE BRAVE? -by JOHN STEINSVOLD - Athenaeum Library of Philosophy
Won,t work no carrot before the horse it will do as it wants most likely nothing.
And if every one becomes philosophers who tills the land mines the iron digs the ditches?
Won,t work no carrot before the horse it will do as it wants most likely nothing.
And if every one becomes philosophers who tills the land mines the iron digs the ditches?
Erasing our innovation deficit -
Erasing our innovation deficit -
If some one today were to come up with a new product It would be nearly impossible to get it out past the established cor-pirate greed machines. They will be looking to steal stifle cheat or throw phony patent claims at them. The cor-pirate lobbyists would be clamoring to get their paid for politicians to pass some law to stop what ever you try to start. The gop cor-pirates want through them by them or not at all. And that is the real problem with the rotted cor-pirate decadence!
For a system that stifles innovation at every turn you would be best to go else where or not bother. you will find many Edison,Tesla types to day just don,t bother...
If some one today were to come up with a new product It would be nearly impossible to get it out past the established cor-pirate greed machines. They will be looking to steal stifle cheat or throw phony patent claims at them. The cor-pirate lobbyists would be clamoring to get their paid for politicians to pass some law to stop what ever you try to start. The gop cor-pirates want through them by them or not at all. And that is the real problem with the rotted cor-pirate decadence!
For a system that stifles innovation at every turn you would be best to go else where or not bother. you will find many Edison,Tesla types to day just don,t bother...
No, China Will Absolutely Not Collapse -
No, China Will Absolutely Not Collapse -
Cash under the table been around for 5000 years not going to stop soon.
Cash under the table been around for 5000 years not going to stop soon.
ID Theft: Don't Take It Personally -
ID Theft: Don't Take It Personally -
What really needs to be done is to have some real draconian laws past on catching and punishing the culprits. And extradition made with all other induteral countries. Say a 5 year minimum mandatory per person affected. You will see this drop off fast.
What really needs to be done is to have some real draconian laws past on catching and punishing the culprits. And extradition made with all other induteral countries. Say a 5 year minimum mandatory per person affected. You will see this drop off fast.
Feds to bring in sewage rules, another push toward treatment for Victoria
Feds to bring in sewage rules, another push toward treatment for Victoria
"It is not acceptable that we continue discharging untreated waste into our waterways."
And supposed treated is different how? Its the same old sludge just thickened down.
Its all show and propaganda any how.
"It is not acceptable that we continue discharging untreated waste into our waterways."
And supposed treated is different how? Its the same old sludge just thickened down.
Its all show and propaganda any how.
Shuttle Endeavour docks with space station
Shuttle Endeavour docks with space station
Well only 4 launches left. Then just russia and esu to service ISS.
Well only 4 launches left. Then just russia and esu to service ISS.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Is Antarctica Melting? : News
Is Antarctica Melting? : News
"losing more than a hundred cubic kilometers (24 cubic miles) of ice each year since 2002"
Yoohoo rocket scientists thats 60 cubic miles not 24....
"losing more than a hundred cubic kilometers (24 cubic miles) of ice each year since 2002"
Yoohoo rocket scientists thats 60 cubic miles not 24....
Anti-whalers, Japanese fleet fire water cannons
Anti-whalers, Japanese fleet fire water cannons
I see the japs complain now that whalehuggers fire back. but its ok for imperialist cor-pirates whales for profits to do so.
"scientific whaling program" my ass!!! Cor-pirate profit mongering is what it is.
I see the japs complain now that whalehuggers fire back. but its ok for imperialist cor-pirates whales for profits to do so.
"scientific whaling program" my ass!!! Cor-pirate profit mongering is what it is.
CBC News - Theatre - Much-anticipated Joni Mitchell ballet to debut
CBC News - Theatre - Much-anticipated Joni Mitchell ballet to debut
You know you are old and aged when you look upon stars of your youth and see too how old they look. But in your mineds eye you look back on the days of your youth and see them and your self as you all once where.
Those were the days my friend.
We thought they would never end.
One tin soldeir walks away....
You know you are old and aged when you look upon stars of your youth and see too how old they look. But in your mineds eye you look back on the days of your youth and see them and your self as you all once where.
Those were the days my friend.
We thought they would never end.
One tin soldeir walks away....
News Analysis - For Kremlin, Ukraine Election Cuts Two Ways -
News Analysis - For Kremlin, Ukraine Election Cuts Two Ways -
Just as bad as canada electing a cor-pirate puppet government
Just as bad as canada electing a cor-pirate puppet government
Monday, February 8, 2010
Scientists discover novel materials approach to fighting cancer (w/ Video)
Scientists discover novel materials approach to fighting cancer (w/ Video)
Every day i see more and more uses of nano tech! We are on the thresh hold of sooo many new fields.
Every day i see more and more uses of nano tech! We are on the thresh hold of sooo many new fields.
Patch Tuesday To Affect All Windows Versions --
Patch Tuesday To Affect All Windows Versions --
Megga patch!!! Megga head aches? Lets hope not!
Megga patch!!! Megga head aches? Lets hope not!
iiNet Wins Piracy Court Case | Australian ISP
iiNet Wins Piracy Court Case | Australian ISP
Sanity true utter sanity!!! There is light after the cor-pirate greed machines tunnel!
Sanity true utter sanity!!! There is light after the cor-pirate greed machines tunnel!
NASA picks 5 firms for commercial spaceflight plan
NASA picks 5 firms for commercial spaceflight plan
Only problem with cor-pirate space flights is no matter how much it costs you add another 50-100% on top of that for the cor-pirates greedite profits. So it will cost a lot more and line many pockets....
Only problem with cor-pirate space flights is no matter how much it costs you add another 50-100% on top of that for the cor-pirates greedite profits. So it will cost a lot more and line many pockets....
Shuttle Endeavour blasts off for space station
Shuttle Endeavour blasts off for space station
4 more flights only. Nothing to replace it with.
They would rather wage two perpetual wars that can never be won. As there is far more cor-pirate money to be made fighting wars then there is in space. War on terror can never be won. But can allways produce cor-pirate profits till the money runs out.
4 more flights only. Nothing to replace it with.
They would rather wage two perpetual wars that can never be won. As there is far more cor-pirate money to be made fighting wars then there is in space. War on terror can never be won. But can allways produce cor-pirate profits till the money runs out.
'Targets of interest' close down Vancouver airport
'Targets of interest' close down Vancouver airport
A chance to play with the new toys and act officious.
A chance to play with the new toys and act officious.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
IBM Scientists Demonstrate World's Fastest Graphene Transistor
IBM Scientists Demonstrate World's Fastest Graphene Transistor
Cannot wait till i can get dual quad core 1billion ghz cpu computer.
Cannot wait till i can get dual quad core 1billion ghz cpu computer.
Whalers, activists clash again off Antarctica
Whalers, activists clash again off Antarctica
I do not agree with whaling but i like bob barker less. Maybe they can kill two birds with one stone and harpoon bob?
I like how the japs got an excuse to harvest 300+ whales as long as they take a tisue sample. Cor-pirate greed is all this is.Cor-pirations and the need for greed.
I do not agree with whaling but i like bob barker less. Maybe they can kill two birds with one stone and harpoon bob?
I like how the japs got an excuse to harvest 300+ whales as long as they take a tisue sample. Cor-pirate greed is all this is.Cor-pirations and the need for greed.
Haiti Needs Aid, Not Militarization by Phyllis Bennis — YES! Magazine
Haiti Needs Aid, Not Militarization by Phyllis Bennis — YES! Magazine
I saw this developing the very first day the us military coming in digging in setting its self up first and foremost.
You could see its was like takeing any beach head no more no less. come in conquer dig in reinforce build base.
That and nothing else is what i saw...
I saw this developing the very first day the us military coming in digging in setting its self up first and foremost.
You could see its was like takeing any beach head no more no less. come in conquer dig in reinforce build base.
That and nothing else is what i saw...
Tsunami Survivors Fight for Land Rights by Robert Reynolds — YES! Magazine
Tsunami Survivors Fight for Land Rights by Robert Reynolds — YES! Magazine
Kicking people when they are down how low can they go!
Kicking people when they are down how low can they go!
Only One Reason to Grant a Corporate Charter
Only One Reason to Grant a Corporate Charter
I would think the cor-pirates would call this communistic socialism.
Egad share cor-pirate greedite profits with the what? poor???....
I would think the cor-pirates would call this communistic socialism.
Egad share cor-pirate greedite profits with the what? poor???....
India successfully tests nuclear-capable missile
India successfully tests nuclear-capable missile
Boy just what we all needed and wanted. Apocalypse soon.
Boy just what we all needed and wanted. Apocalypse soon.
Olive: Will Greece set off 'global debt bomb'? -
Olive: Will Greece set off 'global debt bomb'? -
Rock rock rock your boat back and forth
Rock it till it sinks all the rest
Wearily wearily wearily its but a dream
till it sinks all the rest....
Oh my monetary fundings such a scheme...
Rock rock rock your boat back and forth
Rock it till it sinks all the rest
Wearily wearily wearily its but a dream
till it sinks all the rest....
Oh my monetary fundings such a scheme...
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wash legislators cited for sandwiches
Wash legislators cited for sandwiches
They had to pay for their own munchies who would have thought...
They had to pay for their own munchies who would have thought...
Dogs and cats are bad for the planet, authors say
Dogs and cats are bad for the planet, authors say
Well now this is a novel approach kill off all dogs and cats today! they are not energy efficient....
Well now this is a novel approach kill off all dogs and cats today! they are not energy efficient....
Canadian Jews condemn acquittal of U.S. neo-Nazi
Canadian Jews condemn acquittal of U.S. neo-Nazi
He should not have gotten away with this at all!!! I find this to be a truly spineless act in his acquittal.
He should not have gotten away with this at all!!! I find this to be a truly spineless act in his acquittal.
Blizzard paralyzes U.S. mid-Atlantic; two killed
Blizzard paralyzes U.S. mid-Atlantic; two killed
Stormagetten and snowpocalypse now!
Stormagetten and snowpocalypse now!
Don Martin: What recession? Ireland gives its ambassador's residence in Ottawa a $7-million reno - Full Comment
Don Martin: What recession? Ireland gives its ambassador's residence in Ottawa a $7-million reno - Full Comment
Might it just be a way to scuttle money out and kick backs in?
Might it just be a way to scuttle money out and kick backs in?
Theory on life support: Debate grows over when brain dead really means dead
Theory on life support: Debate grows over when brain dead really means dead
I guess raising the bar to high for declaring brain death could seriously affect a vast percentage of aberta and saskatchewan...
I guess raising the bar to high for declaring brain death could seriously affect a vast percentage of aberta and saskatchewan...
Court overturns IRB ruling allowing Tamil free
Court overturns IRB ruling allowing Tamil free
A step in the right direction would not have thought they had the balls to do this!!
A step in the right direction would not have thought they had the balls to do this!!
Dave's Computer Tips Newsletter - Issue #49
Dave's Computer Tips Newsletter - Issue #49
Always some interesting tips and useful items!
Always some interesting tips and useful items!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Northrop Grumman had $1.7 billion profit in 2009 -
Northrop Grumman had $1.7 billion profit in 2009 -
Nearly 2billion that poor starving cor-piration.
It seems with enough government money you too can be rich.
Guess the gop moneys still funneling to the great cor-pirate war machine and the rich get richer the poor get duped killed wounded and be triad look at fine treatment in vet hospitals.
Nearly 2billion that poor starving cor-piration.
It seems with enough government money you too can be rich.
Guess the gop moneys still funneling to the great cor-pirate war machine and the rich get richer the poor get duped killed wounded and be triad look at fine treatment in vet hospitals.
Sen. Al Franken Rips NBC, Comcast Execs Over $30 Billion Merger - DailyFinance
Sen. Al Franken Rips NBC, Comcast Execs Over $30 Billion Merger - DailyFinance
"Comcast (CMCSA) and NBC Universal over their claim that the companies' proposed $30 billion mega-merger would benefit the public."
Like what part of the public? The cor-pirationist part....
If you believe this to be good for joey Public then i have a real good deal on a bridge in Brooklyn.
"Comcast (CMCSA) and NBC Universal over their claim that the companies' proposed $30 billion mega-merger would benefit the public."
Like what part of the public? The cor-pirationist part....
If you believe this to be good for joey Public then i have a real good deal on a bridge in Brooklyn.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Government warns of looming cyberthreats
Government warns of looming cyberthreats
Obama give us more money theres lions tigers and bears oh my!
Well there really are. But how often do the come to the cash trough to feed and its only to support their useless bureaucracy,s
There are some departments that do absolutely nothing except run them self's and nothing more.
Obama give us more money theres lions tigers and bears oh my!
Well there really are. But how often do the come to the cash trough to feed and its only to support their useless bureaucracy,s
There are some departments that do absolutely nothing except run them self's and nothing more.
Air Force taps IBM for secure cloud
Air Force taps IBM for secure cloud
This should prove interesting!!! How long after completion till its breached.... lol
This should prove interesting!!! How long after completion till its breached.... lol
Report: Google, NSA talk defense partnership | Security - CNET News
Report: Google, NSA talk defense partnership | Security - CNET News
The attacks most likely were a Chinese based bot net that dos,ed google under control from nsa. to help bring this about and their foot in googles door.
The attacks most likely were a Chinese based bot net that dos,ed google under control from nsa. to help bring this about and their foot in googles door.
Blogging ACTA Across The Globe: Lessons From Korea | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Blogging ACTA Across The Globe: Lessons From Korea | Electronic Frontier Foundation
The draconian cor-pirationists do not want a single penny on the planet unmorgaged un leveraged uncontroled by them because of them for them. It is with great fear these sleep at night thinking one would be missed. For them to find a family they do not own and fully contol and have right to their offspring for 5 generations is just not some thing the cor-pirate greed machine can live with.
They are the ultimate evil control freaks. They must own all.
They must control all.They must conquer any that stand in their ways. They buy laws in all counteries for their protection above and beyound
the poor peon cor-pirates slaves they milk bilk and pollute daily. These cor-pirate greed machines must be stopped or they will not stop till they have reaped the planet bare and dead.
These total control of every thing laws they implement are only the beginning.
Welcome to the land of the cor-pirate greedite!!!
The draconian cor-pirationists do not want a single penny on the planet unmorgaged un leveraged uncontroled by them because of them for them. It is with great fear these sleep at night thinking one would be missed. For them to find a family they do not own and fully contol and have right to their offspring for 5 generations is just not some thing the cor-pirate greed machine can live with.
They are the ultimate evil control freaks. They must own all.
They must control all.They must conquer any that stand in their ways. They buy laws in all counteries for their protection above and beyound
the poor peon cor-pirates slaves they milk bilk and pollute daily. These cor-pirate greed machines must be stopped or they will not stop till they have reaped the planet bare and dead.
These total control of every thing laws they implement are only the beginning.
Welcome to the land of the cor-pirate greedite!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Davies Collection show brims with shy charms -
Davies Collection show brims with shy charms -
Interesting duo that collected these!
Interesting duo that collected these!
Arts & Living: Comics (
Arts & Living: Comics (
The fifth wave you cannot beat it!
The fifth wave you cannot beat it!
Rob Pegoraro - Copyright overreach goes on world tour -
Rob Pegoraro - Copyright overreach goes on world tour -
This is the ultimate cor-pirate greed machines strangle hold one every one else!!
This is the ultimate cor-pirate greed machines strangle hold one every one else!!
RIM didn’t infringe Motorola patent, U.K. judge rules
RIM didn’t infringe Motorola patent, U.K. judge rules
Don,t you just hate bogus patent claims!!!
Don,t you just hate bogus patent claims!!!
Wanted someone go back in time with me.This is not a joke
PO box 399 Oakland,CA 90210
You will get paid after you get back.
Must bring your own weapons.Safety not guaranteed!
I have only done this once before....
PO box 399 Oakland,CA 90210
You will get paid after you get back.
Must bring your own weapons.Safety not guaranteed!
I have only done this once before....
PostPartisan - Don't buy the administration's spin on the Christmas day bomber
PostPartisan - Don't buy the administration's spin on the Christmas day bomber
Some interesting opinions after the main article.
Some interesting opinions after the main article.
Toyota stock falls; transportation secretary backpedals on warning -
Toyota stock falls; transportation secretary backpedals on warning -
This is a fantastic time to buy it!! No matter how much FUD the american propaganda machine pumps out its going to climb right back up!
This is a fantastic time to buy it!! No matter how much FUD the american propaganda machine pumps out its going to climb right back up!
Game over: Wisconsin inmate can't play Dungeons & Dragons - Inside Bay Area
Game over: Wisconsin inmate can't play Dungeons & Dragons - Inside Bay Area
If you had of played D&D outside instead of killing you could still be playing.
If you had of played D&D outside instead of killing you could still be playing.
Charge against OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino withdrawn: updated - Posted
Charge against OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino withdrawn: updated - Posted
Can you say"Pass the buck" 3x fast....
Can you say"Pass the buck" 3x fast....
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
YouTube - Accidente en moto en alta velocidad
YouTube - Accidente en moto en alta velocidad
I feel sorry for this one
I feel sorry for this one
YouTube - US Census GPS Tagging Part 1/4 with Katherine Albrecht
YouTube - US Census GPS Tagging Part 1/4 with Katherine Albrecht
Next they will require Finger prints and DNA samples
Next they will require Finger prints and DNA samples
My Place - Where everything is free!
My Place - Where everything is free!
I,ve just started reading this.I remember my father telling me how it was on troop transport ships and in this part i could swear it was him telling this.
Looks like it will be a very good read.
The Price of Freedom
This is what remains of my father's diaries. He became a Japanese P.O.W after the fall of Singapore and spent 3 and a half years in Changi and on the 'Railway of Death'
I,ve just started reading this.I remember my father telling me how it was on troop transport ships and in this part i could swear it was him telling this.
Looks like it will be a very good read.
Monday, February 1, 2010
China censored media over 60 times in 2009: Report
China censored media over 60 times in 2009: Report
China did 60x we did as much or more.
They have a firewall everyone knows it.
We have one as well and we are all brain washed into thinking were sooo free.
But are? Its all show and pomp.
Do a google on countries with most rights and freedoms.
Your search will not find the site that lists the countries with the most rights.
The great cor-pirate firewall see,s to that.
You cannot get to it from north america any more. Most but not all of the EU or auz.
You can from Russia china vietnam, chile brazil etc.
We are feed more propaganda from the cor-pirate greed machine and misinformation then
you would believe .
China did 60x we did as much or more.
They have a firewall everyone knows it.
We have one as well and we are all brain washed into thinking were sooo free.
But are? Its all show and pomp.
Do a google on countries with most rights and freedoms.
Your search will not find the site that lists the countries with the most rights.
The great cor-pirate firewall see,s to that.
You cannot get to it from north america any more. Most but not all of the EU or auz.
You can from Russia china vietnam, chile brazil etc.
We are feed more propaganda from the cor-pirate greed machine and misinformation then
you would believe .
Phishing attacks escalate, DIY cybercrime kits to blame
Phishing attacks escalate, DIY cybercrime kits to blame
Was a time you actually fished for fish....
Was a time you actually fished for fish....
China denies cyber attack on Google
China denies cyber attack on Google
If you believe they did not i have a very great deal for you ocean view lots in Utah !!! As low as $120,000.99
If you believe they did not i have a very great deal for you ocean view lots in Utah !!! As low as $120,000.99
Deep packet inspection - illegal or not?
Deep packet inspection - illegal or not?
Privacy the great myth. It seems the more we try the less we will have. Big Brother
is real and we are pwoned...
Privacy the great myth. It seems the more we try the less we will have. Big Brother
is real and we are pwoned...
Basic vulnerability found in most voice encryption products
Basic vulnerability found in most voice encryption products
They can be broken many other ways too....
They can be broken many other ways too....
This is an absolute must do!!!
No script pluging in Firefox with java script disabled Defeats this quit well.
Try it first with java script enabled then with out.
This is an absolute must do!!!
No script pluging in Firefox with java script disabled Defeats this quit well.
Try it first with java script enabled then with out.
E-passport flaw enables owner tracking
E-passport flaw enables owner tracking
RFID rears its ugly head yet again. I have spoke out against this tech since the beginning.
It is nothing but spyware and can be hacked soooo sooo many ways and tracked sooo many ways its plain laughable!
RFID rears its ugly head yet again. I have spoke out against this tech since the beginning.
It is nothing but spyware and can be hacked soooo sooo many ways and tracked sooo many ways its plain laughable!
IE vulnerability offers your files to hackers
IE vulnerability offers your files to hackers
Yes this will let them in and do as they wish.
Use firefox.
Yes this will let them in and do as they wish.
Use firefox.
The age of cyberwar
The age of cyberwar
cost of downtime associated with a major incident is $6.3 million per day.
You could hire a squad of really good hit men for a fraction of that and get the message out not to mess with ya no more....
cost of downtime associated with a major incident is $6.3 million per day.
You could hire a squad of really good hit men for a fraction of that and get the message out not to mess with ya no more....
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